Mark 4 Explained | Journey 1 Day 5
Through the Word - A podcast by Through the Word
Mark 4: Careful How You Hear | Kris Langham guides us through the Parable of the Sower - Jesus' story about dirt, seeds, and how we listen. It's an intriguing parable that will help us answer two essential questions: What is the Bible and why should we read it? Journey 1 | Start. Here in our first journey, we'll follow Jesus' footsteps through Mark's gospel, then learn what it means to follow Jesus today in the book of Colossians. (24 Days)Teacher: Kris LanghamAbout TTW: When the Bible is confusing, Through the Word explains it with clear and concise audio guides for every chapter. The TTW Podcast follows 19 Journeys covering every book and chapter in the Bible. Each journey is an epic adventure through several Bible books, as your favorite pastors explain each chapter with clear explanation and insightful application. Understand the Bible in just ten minutes a day, and join us for all 19 Journeys on the TTW podcast or TTW app!Get the App: https://throughtheword.orgContact: 4 Themes: Faith, Bible, word of God, why read the Bible, listen, hear, bearing fruitMark 4 Tags: Parable of the sower, Lamp on a stand, parable of the mustard seed, Jesus calms the storm, seed, seeds, parables, rocky soil, thorns, good dirt, ears to hear, bear fruit, farmer, sower, scripture, Jesus asleep in the boat, Jesus calms the stormKey Verses: Mark 4:14 “The farmer sows the word.” Mark 4:20 “Others, like seed sown on good soil, hear the word, accept it, and produce a crop—some thirty, some sixty, some a hundred times what was sown.”Quotes: Audio & Text © 2011-2021 Through the Word™ Inc. All rights reserved worldwide.Bible Quotes: The Holy Bible New International Version® NIV® Copyright © 1973, 1978, 1984, 2011 by Biblica, Inc.® Used by permission of Biblica, Inc.® All rights reserved worldwide.