BTP168: How to Align, Attract & Manifest Your Dreams with Kerry Rowett

The Biddy Tarot Podcast: Tarot | Intuition | Empowerment - A podcast by Brigit Esselmont: Founder of Biddy Tarot, Tarot Teacher & Mentor, and Intui - Tuesdays

Get ready for an empowering episode as we dive into the world of manifestation, intuition, and unlocking your true potential!  In this episode, I speak with the incredible Kerry Rowett from Awaken Kinesiology. Kerry is a force of nature—a passionate Kinesiologist, a radiant Reiki Master, and a gifted author who has touched the lives of countless individuals. Through her work, she empowers her clients to forge powerful alignments in both their businesses and personal lives, guiding them towards success and fulfillment. As our energy alignment coach at Biddy Tarot, Kerry has worked wonders with us, helping us revitalize our mindsets and become powerful magnets for unparalleled success. And now, she's here to share her transformative wisdom with all of you! Kerry delves deep into the enchanting world of manifesting your dreams and desires. She reveals the magic ingredients required to align with your highest potential and attract abundant positivity into your life. Discover the inspiring journey that led her to the calling of kinesiology, reiki, and energy work, as she embraced her zone of genius and placed unwavering trust in the flow of the Universe. Prepare to be inspired, because Kerry offers a treasure trove of potent and practical techniques that will empower you to manifest your goals with effortless ease. Tune in and unleash the full power of your intuition as you navigate your path to success! Are you ready to embrace your true potential and witness the extraordinary transformation that manifestation can bring into your life? Then join us in this uplifting conversation with Kerry Rowett. Get ready to align with the universe, supercharge your manifestation skills, and let your brightest aspirations take flight!