Peruvian Bull - The Dollar Endgame: Financial Gravity and the Fed's Dilemma

The Bitcoin Matrix - A podcast by Cedric Youngelman


Today we’re going to dive into the electrifying world of finance and economics in "The Dollar Endgame: Financial Gravity and the Fed's Dilemma" with Peruvian Bull as we explore the inevitable negative feedback loops of Keynesian economics, Modern Monetary Theory, the Triffin Dilemma, the deindustrialization of America and how the Federal Reserve stole the American Dream. Peruvian Bull is a Peruvian-American scholar, researcher, and educator hailing from the Pacific Northwest. Born and raised in Seattle, he attended a local university where he graduated Magna Cum Laude with degrees in Finance, Economics, and Entrepreneurship. He has studied also in South America and plans to complete a Master’s degree at the London School of Economics. He currently works at a private equity fintech firm as an analyst and advisor for financial services. Join us as we discuss the sword of Damocles hanging over the Treasury and unravel the mysteries of the Federal Reserve's event horizon with Peruivan Bull. This episode is brought to you by River. With 100% full reserve custody and zero fees on recurring orders, River allows you to buy and mine Bitcoin with ease. Plus, River offers unparalleled service and functionality, including tax optimization, entity accounts, inheritance planning and instant buy volume.  Use this link (River) to get started and get $5 in BTC when you buy Bitcoin at River. For the ultimate in Bitcoin security and design, check out the COLDCARD hardware wallet from Coinkite. With built-in sleep-at-night technology, it's the only dedicated air-gapped, ultra-secure hardware wallet for Bitcoin.  Coinkite is a leader in security and hardware manufacturer, est. block 141,000. Maker of some of the most iconic Bitcoin products, such as OPENDIME, COLDCARD, BLOCKCLOCK, SATSCARD, TAPSIGNER and SATSCHIP. For a discount use this link: CoinKite Follow Peruvian Bull on Twitter: @Peruvian_Bull Follow Cedric Youngelman on Twitter: @CedYoungelman Follow the Bitcoin Matrix Podcast on Twitter: @_BitcoinMatrix