BLE219 - S10E10 - #173 The Postman
The Blacklist Exposed - A podcast by Troy Heinritz & Aaron Peterson

The Postman delivers contraband to prisoners in the slammer and this time his delivery may be deadly. Cooper turns out to have a connection to our blacklister but what happens when they finally meet again? Support the Show! Be sure to #FillTheFedora on Patreon. Case Profile for The Postman 30 years ago a man named Lawrence Nelson was put on trial for murdering his boss outside their place of business. A young Harold Cooper was on the jury for the case and was the sole member to vote not guilty. In the end, Cooper finally gave in and Lawrence went to prison for 25 years. While in prison, Lawrence befriends his cell mate Eugene who turns out to be chemist and a plan is put into motion. 25 years later Lawrence is released and for the last 5 years Lawrence builds up a criminal empire and is known to prisoners around the world as The Postman. As The Postman, his long term plan was to take out the man responsible for putting him away for a crime turns out he was not guilty of. To do this he delivers packages to prisoners by way of a super high tech drone, and one of those packages is some chemicals needed for a lethal toxin that Eugene is assembling for Lawrence. Once Lawrence has the chemical in hand, he enacts his plan to take out the Maryland Attorney General but Red and Friends intercept his delivery re-routing it to the Post Office. Be sure to answer our profiling question of the week: What did you think of Herbie's Debut? Visit our feedback page to leave a response or call +1 (304) 837-2278. Music For The Postman No new songs were featured on the episode this week. You can hear these songs via the official Blacklist playlist on Spotify or the same playlist recreated by us on Apple Music. The Postman in Pictures Here are a just a few of our favorite scenes from this week. Keep Connected Each week of The Blacklist Exposed will take a deep look at both the minor and major plot lines to this fantastic series. Be sure to subscribe and review us in Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or through whichever podcast app you prefer. Also check out our other Golden Spiral Media Podcasts. A special thanks to Veruca Crews for creating our podcast cover art. If you love it, be sure to check out the rest of her Blacklist and other artwork on her tumblr page. Thanks for listening! We’ll talk to you soon. In the meantime, be sure to keep yourself off, The Blacklist. Send Us Feedback: Check out our Feedback Form! Call our voicemail: (304)837-2278 Email Us Connect With Us: Facebook Community Twitter Instagram Tumblr Troy's Twitter Aaron's Twitter Subscribe to The Blacklist Exposed: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Pandora, RSS Feed