BLE220 - S10E11 - The Man in the Hat
The Blacklist Exposed - A podcast by Troy Heinritz & Aaron Peterson

A no numbered episode typically means some kind of big mythology reveal or information as the identity of one Raymond Red Reddington, especially one with a title like "The Man in the Hat". This week however it is a case of was he or wasn't he as Red stops at a convience store for some Peanut Chews. Support the Show! Be sure to #FillTheFedora on Patreon. Case Profile for The Man in the Hat As Red's question to live free as a bird continues this season we find our Fedora wearing friend caught in a pickle as he makes a stop at a convienience store for some Goldenbergs Peanut Chews. He was coming back from Phildelphia to New York after picking up a present for Agnes. Turns out this is one conveinence that became an inconvienience as a armed robber locked down the store and took hostages. Dembe and Ressler arrive on the scene as they beleive Red was in the store at the time and wanted to get him to safety freely before the local law enforcement caught up to him. In the end Red found a clever way to escape as always, and sent Agnes her gift as well as a bar of those delightful Peanut Chews. Elsewhere Panabaker is hot and wants Reddington by the end of the day. Cooper tasks Siya to make sure all their fiels and ducks are in a row pending an investgation from up the chain of command. In doing so Siya is granted full acccess to the post office history including details of her mother. Siya opens up the information and finds out more than she bargained for... she's adopted. Red does eventually confront Panabaker but in a strange move hands her the leverage Red had over her in the hopes that Panabaker would allow the task force to live to fight another day. Be sure to answer our profiling question of the week: What is your go to convienience store item? Visit our feedback page to leave a response or call +1 (304) 837-2278. Music For The Man in the Hat There was a song that played when the witnesses arrived in the bar but was unable to ascertain what it was. You can hear these songs via the official Blacklist playlist on Spotify or the same playlist recreated by us on Apple Music. The Postman in Pictures Here are a just a few of our favorite scenes from this week. Keep Connected Each week of The Blacklist Exposed will take a deep look at both the minor and major plot lines to this fantastic series. Be sure to subscribe and review us in Apple Podcasts, Stitcher, or through whichever podcast app you prefer. Also check out our other Golden Spiral Media Podcasts. A special thanks to Veruca Crews for creating our podcast cover art. If you love it, be sure to check out the rest of her Blacklist and other artwork on her tumblr page. Thanks for listening! We’ll talk to you soon. In the meantime, be sure to keep yourself off, The Blacklist. Send Us Feedback: Check out our Feedback Form! Call our voicemail: (304)837-2278 Email Us Connect With Us: Facebook Community Twitter Instagram Tumblr Troy's Twitter Aaron's Twitter Subscribe to The Blacklist Exposed: Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Spotify, Pandora, RSS Feed