238. TBR - How $NAT/DMT/NATRIX All Tie Together | Explaining The Vision
The Block Runner Crypto Podcast - A podcast by William and Iman

We receive a very insightful question from somebody who watches this podcast who has been an active participant in the things we have been building. The question focuses on tying together $NAT, Bitmap, NATRIX, DMT NATs and UNATs into a sensible overall understanding how all these creations interplay with each other. We discuss how our thesis of metaverse maximalism has influenced just about everything in relation to what we have been building on Bitcoin. By understanding the economic requirements of the metaverse and the need to introduce digital commodities for the metaverse market on Bitcoin, $NAT and the DMT framework ws built in order to maintain non-arbitrary principles Bitmap introduced for this new asset class. NATs and UNATs all are created through the utilization of Bitcoin block data, thus giving their existence a forever association to Bitcoin as opposed to arbitrary token creations. We describe the NATRIX as the culmination of all these technologies by bringing the DMT commodities market into a composable application environment that can be hosted by Bitmap parcel owners. The real mission to increase interest in metaverse asset ownership and to kickstart a UGC economy that accelerate the proliferation of content and experience for metaverse users. We do so by leveraging $NAT as the face of the ecosystem in order to introduce the principles of DMT in the manner that poses the least friction. With $NAT token interest surging, more will discover all other DMT creation from art to the metaverse. What does this all lead to? Hopefully a metaverse economy with truly unique economic properties related to what makes Bitcoin valuable and in the end onboarding a larger user base to Bitcoin who are less interested in Bitcoin financial application, more so inclined to participate in the nascent metaverse journey. Topics: First up, the guys discuss an insightful question from the audience. Next, guys discuss how their thesis of metaverse maximalism has influenced just about everything in relation to what they have been building on Bitcoin. and Finally, describe the NATRIX as the culmination of all these technologies by bringing the DMT commodities market into a composable application environment that can be hosted by Bitmap parcel owners. Please like and subscribe on your favorite podcasting app! Sign up for a free newsletter: www.theblockrunner.com Follow us on: Youtube: https://bit.ly/TBlkRnnrYouTube Twitter: bit.ly/TBR-Twitter Discord: bit.ly/TBR-Discord