Unlock the Strategy: $1.5k in First Month from Ebooks & Workshops

The Blogger Genius Podcast - A podcast by Jillian Leslie - Wednesdays


In today's episode of The Blogger Genius Podcast, Jillian Leslie digs into the fascinating story of gluten-free sourdough baker and food blogger, Natasha Levai, creator of Natasha's Home, on how she made $1.5k in her first month selling ebooks and workshops. The Power of Digital Products Before diving dive into Natasha's story, Jillian want to share a tool that has been a game-changer for so many non-techies. It's called MiloTreeCart, a platform that simplifies the process of selling digital products. It's currently available for a lifetime deal of $349 or three easy installments. And guess what? If you purchase the tool by September 15th, you'll receive a Customized Product Action Plan for FrREE that gives you the step-by-step instructions on how to create your first 3 digital products! Jillian usually charges $250 for this service, but it's free until September 15th, so act now. Show Notes: MiloTreeCart Personality Quiz: What Digital Product Should I Create? MiloTree Pop-Up App Natasha's Home Eat Blog Talk Podcast Join My Blogger Genius Email List Catch My Party Become a Blogger Genius Facebook Group MiloTreeCart Affiliate Program All Blogger Genius Podcast Episodes Subscribe to the Blogger Genius Podcast: iTunes Stitcher YouTube Spotify Natasha's Journey to Digital Products Natasha, who is based in Hungary, was inspired by the podcast episode of Eat Blog Talk, where Jillian discussed with the host, Megan Porta, the ease of selling digital products. Natasha felt that as a blogger, she should have a digital product to sell. Despite her limited time, Natasha quickly created an ebook by compiling her blog recipes and styling it using Canva. She kept it simple, with sixteen recipes and notes, and priced it at $9. The Power of Niche and Community Natasha promoted her ebook to her Facebook group, which boasts over 22,000 members and is highly engaged due to its niche focus on gluten-free sourdough. She believes that the group's engagement has contributed to its rapid growth. They discussed the importance of finding a niche and how it has contributed to Natasha's success. She shared her initial hesitation about narrowing down her focus to gluten-free baking, but ultimately found that it simplified her life and allowed her to become an expert in a specific area. The Ebook Success Initially skeptical, Natasha was pleasantly surprised when people started buying the ebook. She also tried selling the ebook on her website, but most of the sales came from her Facebook group. Exploring Other Platforms Natasha reached out to Jillian for advice on other platforms to sell her ebook. She had heard about Gumroad but was concerned about the percentage they would take from her sales. After discovering that MiloTreeCart didn't take a cut from sales, Natasha became interested in our lifetime membership offer. Investing in Your Audience Jillian believes in the concept of karma on the internet, where putting out good content leads to receiving good things in return. She wants to help my audience grow their businesses because it brings her happiness and contributes to the growth of her own business. Natasha's Experience with MilotreeCart Natasha shares her positive experience with MilotreeCart. She appreciates the templates and resources they offer for free, which have helped her make back more than she initially invested. She believes that investing in MilotreeCart is a great opportunity for those with an existing audience. Launching Her First Workshop Natasha's experience hosting her first paid workshop was a significant milestone in her journey. After the success of her ebook, she decided to expand her offerings and create workshops to provide more value to her audience. She put in effort to plan and deliver a high-quality workshop, and the results were impressive. Hosting her one-hour live workshop, she made over $400. The "B-minus Work" Concept Natasha was initially skeptical and nervous about setting up and delivering the workshop. However, she found comfort in my concept of "B-minus work," where it's okay to not strive for perfection but still deliver above-average content. This mindset relieved the pressure of having a perfect setup and allowed Natasha to use her phone and computer to create her workshops. Future Opportunities Natasha expresses her desire to host another workshop due to its success in terms of sales and positive feedback. She contemplates starting a membership program, inspired by another guest on the podcast who offered a membership for $18. The Importance of Experimentation Jillian emphasized the importance of experimentation and seeking feedback from her audience. She praised Natasha for her inspiring work and expressed her excitement at her progress and future goals. The Unexpected Success Natasha shares her excitement about the growth of her blog and her ability to invest in essential tools and courses. She mentions the unexpected success of digital products and her dreams of making a full-time income from blogging. In conclusion, Natasha's journey is a testament to the power of digital products, niche communities, and the importance of investing in your audience. Jillian hope her story inspires you to start your own product adventure. Other related Blogger Genius Podcast episodes you’ll enjoy: Hosting Paid Workshops to Increase Your Income with Ashley Greenwood The Secret Sauce to Food Blogging Success: SEO and AI with Marley Braunlich Writing an Ebook is Easier than You Think: Step-by-Step Guide – Solo Episode with Jillian Leslie MiloTreeCart, the Best Tool for Non-Techies to Sell Digital Products I also want to introduce you to the MiloTreeCart, a tool designed for non-techies to sell digital products easily. It comes with features like fill-in-the-blank sales pages, check-out pages, a sales dashboard, upsells, and customer support. MiloTreeCart is currently available for a lifetime deal of $349 or three easy installments of $116.33. Plus, there’s a limited-time offer of a one-hour free coaching call for those who purchase before the end of August.