Ep. 4 Change Your Story

The Blueprint - A podcast by Jason Smith


Tony Robbins famous quote, "Change your thoughts, change your life". An important aspect of that quote is understanding that you are not your thoughts. Another quote, "No one will choose you unless you choose you!" Take a look at the people in your life. How are they showing up in your life? Are they givers? Takers? How do they make your nervous system feel? Anxious, Stressed, or Angry? Sad, Frustrated, or Depressed? We need to pay attention to HOW people make you FEEL. What is one thing you can do today to change your relationships? Do you need to set a healthy boundary with an intrusive parent? Do you feel unseen, unheard, and unappreciated by your spouse? If you're single, are you dating the same type of person over and over again? This applies to our friendships and co-workers as well. Your relationships have the power to impact your STORY in a POSITIVE or negative way. Those relationships can also keep you from moving the needle FORWARD in your own life! If you are ready to set HEALTHY boundaries and start saying NO to what no longer serves you then let's start rewriting your story! How do we rewrite our story? 1. Pattern Recognition- What are the bad HABITS or patterns of behavior that you would like to change and why? What is this habit causing you to experience? If you were to change that habit how would that make you feel? Once you recognize what you would like to change the next question is what will replace that bad habit? When I stopped smoking, I first used gum to help kick the bad habit and eventually worked my way through the bad habit and was able to stop chewing gum as well. 2. Journal - Journaling is an important piece of rewriting your story. When you write things down it sends different signals to the brain and solidifies the content of the information. While journaling you can talk about how you feel and how you would like to feel as well as the difficulties you are experiencing. As you write out the negative feelings it will feel like you are releasing them from your heart. 3. Prepare for the Worst! - As you write your new story, wire in new habits, and set healthy boundaries the people in your life will begin to test and reject your new narrative. Your friends that smoke will offer you that cigarette. Your family members will tell you to go ahead and have that slice of cake even though you already told them you are on a diet and need their support. Understand, they aren't doing this intentionally, but they can't break their own habits and it seems harsh but if you have never made changes before, they may not believe you can do it. Please know it has nothing to do with you and everything to do with their own limited mindset and beliefs. They simply don't believe they can do it so you can't either.