Ep. 5 Raising Your Vibration

The Blueprint - A podcast by Jason Smith


Welcome to Day 5! Raising Your Vibration can be confusing at first with all the chaos going on in your life right now and sound out of balance or alignment but let's break it down a little further. ​“Everything is ENERGY and that is all there is to it. Match the FREQUENCY of the reality you want, and you cannot help but get that REALITY. It can be no other way. This is not philosophy. This is physics” ~Albert Einstein. I believe that we are all ENERGY and that everything in our life has a DOMINANT VIBRATION. Your dominant vibration is the way you think, act, and feel most often. Ask yourself, what do you think of the most? Worry Fear Anxiousness Uncertainty / Doubt Anger When you CHANGE your PERSPECTIVE and begin to see yourself as an INFINITE being having a limited human experience it sets you FREE from your current state of feeling STUCK. You have been given an OPPORTUNITY to be here on this Earth for a FINITE amount of time. YOU get to CHOOSE how you spend that time daily! Sadly, many of us ALLOW our thoughts, feelings, and emotions to be tied to things that are outside of us and it's those ENERGETIC ties that keep us feeling stuck and powerless. A great example of being in a HIGH VIBRATIONAL state is going to the beach. Imagine walking up to the beach entrance from the hot concrete sidewalk and hitting the sand for the first time. You can feel the soft hot sand in between your toes and as your feet begin to sink further into the sand you can feel how cool it is just beneath the surface. Now, walk down to the shoreline where you can hear the waves crashing just a short distance away from you. The seagulls are flying above you letting out their high-pitched call and you close your eyes and allow the waves to slowly creep up and over your feet. The water is cool and refreshing and as the water is pulled back into the ocean you can feel your worries, fears, and anxiety being pulled away with it. You have just moved from your sympathetic nervous system of fight, flight, or freeze into your parasympathetic nervous system of rest, digest, and heal. Any time you need a reminder of a CALMING experience you can always move into your imagination or VISUALIZATION and allow yourself to feel that experience in the NOW! This is also an opportunity to begin to write a new story. While visualizing, allow the emotions to come up for you and wash them away each time the ocean creeps slowly over your feet and pulls the negativity away. This is you LETTING GO of what no longer serves you! Top 10 Ways to Raise Your Vibration 1. Gratitude - Showing gratitude for all things in your life. Knowing that everything is temporary, and that people will be a lesson or a blessing in your life, be thankful for both! 2. Service to Self / Service to Others - This is great when you struggle to find PURPOSE, but you have to determine what you need. When you serve yourself, you are looking to improve areas of your life and focus inward which allows you to also serve others in return. When you are your best self the people in your life get to benefit and receive all you have to offer to them. You become the LIGHT. 3. Food & Alcohol - This is always a difficult subject but lean into eating foods that make you feel good and don't be afraid to ask for help from a professional who can help you achieve your goals. Limiting or eliminating alcohol will greatly improve so many different areas in your life to include the way you think, act, feel, and even your sleeping patterns. 4. Fitness / Go for a Walk - A daily fitness routine or simply going for walk will make massive improvements in your life. A 10-minute walk daily is good for you, cardio vascularly, and will help you RESET your mindset. If you are feeling stressed or having a mental block a 10-minute walk has the POWER to give you the reset that you need! 5. Forgiveness / Setting Boundaries - Forgiveness of self and others! When you forgive the past, you allow yourself to start living in the PRESENT. Add setting healthy boundaries for yourself and others and you will feel like you are in alignment with your highest self. It takes time to get here, and no one is perfect with it, but forgiveness will set you free! 6. Say NO to Negativity! - It feels near impossible to escape the negativity in the world but know that you have control over what you choose to CONSUME daily in books, television, podcasts, and music. When you start listening to "feel-good" music you will automatically feel a change in your nervous system. When you limit television and listen to podcasts that are supportive of personal development you begin to RAISE YOUR VIBRATION. If you haven't taken a news or social media break, I highly suggest giving this a try. Sometimes you have to disconnect to reconnect with yourself. I can tell you from personal experience that taking a break from the news had a massive impact on the way I viewed myself! 7. Live, Love, Laugh - Live the life you love. When you are living in your goals, standards, and values you will feel CONNECTED to yourself and others. Add a little laughter daily and you won't feel as stressed as you usually do. As they say, laughter is the best medicine and science is showing that it is true! 8. Meditation & Breathwork - Joe Dispenza has some of my favorite 15-minute meditations that you can use daily. In just a few minutes a day, you can bring yourself back to your emotional CENTER. A daily breathwork practice has the power to increase your energy, eliminate brain fog, and give you power over your nervous system when practiced regularly. 9. High Vibe People - You are the sum of the TOP 5 PEOPLE you spend your time with, and it is easy to get defensive when this statement gets made because we want to stick up for the people in our lives, but you have to ask yourself if those same people are getting you closer to or further away from your goals. Start asking yourself how the people in your life make you feel. They may even be great people but are more of a distraction from your goals and they don't support you in the way you need it. Stop settling for good when you can have great. It doesn't mean you have to leave them behind, but you can limit the time you spend with people who aren't GROWTH ORIENTED. 10. Empathy & Kind Candor - In Gary Vee's book 12 1/2 he speaks of EMPATHY in the workplace and other areas of your life. It's the ability to understand and feel what another person is feeling. When you realize everyone is fighting an unknown battle internally you begin to exercise a little more compassion. Kind Candor is being able to have tough conversations with people while exercising kindness. How can you tell someone something that needs to be fixed about their work, attitude, or productivity but do it in a way that allows you to stay within your values and boundaries.