EP 128: The Business of Cancer & Medicine, with Jill Rowe, Founder of Rowe Casa

The Boom Clap Podcast - A podcast by boomclap - Wednesdays

We’re talking to Jill Rowe about her personal diagnosis and story of breast cancer. We talk prevention, integrative treatment, and the BUSINESS (and corruption) of cancer, medicine and “awareness.” Conversely, Jill describes the faithfulness of God and His gentle guidance as she walked through such difficulty. GUEST: Jill Rowe, Founder of Rowe Casa https://www.rowecasaorganics.com/?sca_ref=3468709.V2CVRBlBV1 LINKS: https://www.chrisbeatcancer.com/shocking-facts-about-susan-g-komen-for-the-cure/ https://theappalachianonline.com/problems-susan-g-komen/ SPONSOR: Pretty Little Light Candle Co. https://prettylittlelightcandleco.com World Watch News: https://gwnews.com/boomclap Rowe Casa: https://www.rowecasaorganics.com/?sca_ref=3468709.V2CVRBlBV1 FIND US: www.theboomclapcommunity.com www.instagram.com/boomclappodcast www.instagram.com/cecily.dickey www.Instagram.com/ritarogersco