Episode 013: What is the Boston Terrier standard for Colors? The Truth About Boston Terrier Colors Episode
The Boston Terrier Society - A podcast by Donnie Gardner

Would you like to learn more about the Boston Terrier breed standards when it comes to colors and their history? In this interview, I talk with the creator of ColoredBostonTerrierTruths.com, Jani Martin.
In the interview, we discuss the history of the standard colors as well as the importance of upholding the standard. Plus much more.
Topics Discussed
- What is the Boston Terrier Breed Standard For Colors
- Why is it important to promote the correct standard breeding of the Boston Terrier
- On your website, you reference a timeline of disqualified colors...was there ever a time all colors were accepted? How long was this period?
- How often does the standard change? Do you know the process for changing the standard?
- Please explain Brindle in a little more detail...is this truly a pattern or is there a color to look for?
- Do you know of any health issues related to breeding for color?
- You mention you are not against breeders of disqualified colors, but there are breeding practices they should follow. What should a buyer of a DQ color “Boston” do to protect themselves?...is there something they should look out for to know they are buying from a reputable breeding program.
Contact Info And Links
Here are the different places you can contact Jani.
- Website: http://www.coloredbostonterriertruths.com/
- Other Website: http://www.eqbostons.com/
- Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/groups/BostonTerrierEducation/
Final thoughts…
Thank you to Jani Martin for coming on to the podcast. Knowing exactly what the breed standard is and why it is important is crucial to advancing the Boston breed into the future.
If you want to learn more I highly encourage you to contact Jani via here contact form on her website here, Colored Boston Terrier Truths Contact Form.
If you haven’t already, be sure to subscribe to the Boston Terrier Society Podcast as well as its YouTube Channel.
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