EP #44 The Power of Flow

The Brain Language Podcast - A podcast by Susan Stageman, Morgan Jobe, James Lusk, and others


Flow is a powerful concept for aligning yourself, life, and values to create serendipity. Serendipity is the process by which things happen - synchronistic events where things come together as if by magic.  This concept was originally put forth by  Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi in his book, Flow: the psychology of optimal experience.  NLP helps a person to enter a state of flow more easily by aligning their thoughts, beliefs, outcomes, and values with what they want. Flow means to create harmony. It comes from having your outcomes aligned with your values and integrity. When life gets too hard and things don't seem to happen, often it is because we are trying to make something work that is misaligned or not clearly thought through. Sometimes a person is fighting against events in their environment that they cannot control. Sometimes stress gets the better of a person and they look at things negatively. Flow is a valuable concept for any NLP student. Support the show