Episode 121 – 4 Ways to Utilize Your Slow Season to Rebrand
The Brand Strategy Podcast - A podcast by The Brand Strategy Podcast
When is it the right time to rebrand your business? Rebranding is a topic I love talking about. As a brand designer and strategist, I’ve seen some of my favorite branding projects happen during my clients off season. Now, why is it that their off season sets them up for a successful rebrand? I firmly believe it’s because during an off season, you’re able to give more time and energy into rebranding with intention. You strategically step into a new booking season with a new elevated brand identity that will draw in your most ideal clients. In this episode I’m breaking this concept into four parts so you can make an informed decision for yourself about how to leverage a slow season within your business to rebrand. 4 Ways to Utilize Your Slow Season to Rebrand Now, before we dive in, I want to take a minute and highlight one truth here. If you experience some months where business “slows” down, you have an off season. And that is such a beautiful thing. Because an off season means you have the opportunity to create the mental space and the energy to invest back into your business. Slow seasons are no reason to panic. They are a gift for you to slow down and think about things like: what’s working, what’s not working, and what changes need to happen within your business? An off season is a great opportunity to think about the different ways you want to grow. And on top of that, it’s a great opportunity to take a minute and catch a breath. And in that space of slowing down, you’re able to see the ways that rebranding your business could propel you forward. So with that, let’s dive into the four reasons leveraging a rebrand in your off season can help your business grow. #1 SET BIG GOALS FOR THE SEASON AHEAD First and foremost, I believe that by diving into a rebrand through a slower season, you have the ability to set big, beautiful goals for the season ahead. Your off season is such a great opportunity for you to sit down, look at your goals for the coming season, and identify how you want to grow. Do you want to book more high-end clients in 2020? More ideal clients? Do you want to pivot your business and change the way you’re being perceived in the industry? If any of these hypothetical goals are making you nod your head, then crafting an elevated brand can help position your business in the right way and get your work in front of your ideal clients. Take a look at the goals you have—whether you’re dreaming of scaling or dreaming of scaling back—I want to encourage you to look at your brand (not just your visuals or logo) but your brand as a whole and ask yourself: is my brand equipping me with the tools I need to achieve my goals or my brand holding me back? There is no right or wrong answer here. Tune into the episode with the media player ahead to work through this question even further. #2 – STRATEGICALLY SHOWCASE YOUR WORK IN A REBRAND The second reason why elevating your brand in the off season can be advantageous is because it gives you the opportunity to strategically showcase an elevated brand that represents you and your work. Going through a rebrand in your off season means you have some gorgeous work from the prior season to showcase. You have beautiful examples for your portfolio you can leverage through your collateral, your website, and social content. Rebranding in the off season is an easy way for you to turn your focus towards the ideal clients you want to serve in the next season whi...