3 Steps to Protect Our Children

Betrayal Trauma Recovery - BTR.ORG - A podcast by Anne Blythe, M.Ed. - Tuesdays

Women suffering from the effects of betrayal trauma and relational abuse come to BTR.ORG concerned about their children's safety. No one wants to see their children suffer, but after being a victim to the one person they should be able to trust, women wonder how they can keep their children safe when trust is so easily violated. Women Can Empower Their Children To Have Strong Boundaries At BTR, we believe that boundaries are a powerful action step that women can take in protecting themselves and their children from abusive behavior.  As women teach their children how to set and maintain appropriate boundaries, children are then able to lead healthier lives. Should a questionable and/or abusive encounter occur, children who have been taught strong boundaries are more likely to reach out for help. Keeping Kids Safe When You're In Betrayal Trauma It may seem impossible to protect anyone else when you have been so deeply violated by your spouse or partner, but Kimberly Perry, author of Say "NO!" and TELL! A Creative View of Personal Safety for Maisie and Daxton, says that: Grown-ups need to empower kids with Personal Safety early because kids develop a natural curiosity about the human body when they are young. Kimberly Perry, author It's Never Too Early, It's Never Too Late Whether your children are babies or teens, it's not too early or too late for you to begin the process of empowering them through knowledge about their bodies and personal boundaries.  Don't despair if the abuse in your life and the resulting trauma has made it difficult for you to teach your children these principles: jump in now, and let your children know that they can and must set personal boundaries to keep themselves safe from sexual abuse. 3 Steps To Staying Safe As courageous women triumph over trauma and teach these three steps to their children, children are empowered to protect their own bodies and to tell if a boundary is breached.  * Teach body awareness with basic hygiene (bathing), health (nutrition) and safety (swim) concepts * Explains boundaries with more unique safety concepts such as Internet, stranger and people safety. * Introduce Personal Safety – prevention awareness of safe boundaries for private parts. For more information, listen to the podcast or read the full transcript below. BTR.ORG Supports Victims of Sexual Abuse At BTR, we understand how difficult it is to find safe people who understand the trauma of sexual abuse. Our BTR.ORG Group Sessions are available to you - attend a session today and begin your journey to peace.  Full Transcript: Anne (00:00):Welcome to BTR.ORG. This is Anne.  Today I have Kimberly Perry, author of Say No and Tell A Creative View of Personal Safety for Maisie (that's the girl's version) and Daxton (for boys). After teaching personal safety to over 1000 elementary school students, she was inspired to write the Say No and Tell book series. Welcome, Kimberly. Kimberly (03:34):Thank you, Anne for having me. Anne (03:35):So I have these two books and I've used...