Restoring Faith After Betrayal

Betrayal Trauma Recovery - BTR.ORG - A podcast by Anne Blythe, M.Ed. - Tuesdays

I felt like God let me down, my community let me down because they didn't prepare me for this situation. Then when I did bring it up and say this was the situation, they didn't believe me and brought out love, forgiveness, and service instead of boundaries. It felt like they were all on the wrong side--that they were standing up and enabling an abuser. Anne Blythe, founder of BTR.ORG For religious abuse victims, betrayal and emotional abuse can cause a chaotic and terrifying spiritual crisis. Restoring faith after betrayal is possible. Lisa Taylor, a pastoral sexual addiction specialist, discusses how abuse effects a woman's faith and how she can begin her journey to healing. Listen to The BTR.ORG Podcast or read the full transcript below to learn more. Betrayed Women Often Experience A Spiritual Crisis [Of the]100 women who answered [our survey], more than 63% felt they had gone through a significant spiritual crisis as part of their journey--usually pretty close around their time of discovery. Lisa Taylor, pastoral sexual addiction specialist It is common for betrayed partners to experience a spiritual crisis. Many feel that God, their church's doctrine, and the church community have abandoned them. Often, women wonder why God would allow them to be abused and betrayed. They may wonder why they felt His approval or even encouragement to be in a relationship with the abuser in the first place. What Does a Spiritual Crisis Feel Like? There were also women who talked about feelings of rejection from God, or judgment. Some talked about feeling abandoned by God. A lot of them were experiencing similar things in the church--rejection at church and in their faith community, abandonment, and sometimes outright persecution...similar to my story and that of many women. Lisa Taylor, pastoral sexual addiction specialist Betrayed women in a faith-crisis may feel: * Rejection from God and faith community * Abandonment by God and faith community * Pain from the persecution of clergy and faith community * Apathy toward religious practices and beliefs * Doubt regarding church doctrines * Isolation from God and others * Fear of speaking out Is Restoring Faith After Betrayal Possible? If So, How? Restoring faith after betrayal is absolutely possible. It is a difficult journey. These ideas may help you as you work toward finding peace: * Journal your feelings * Share your thoughts and emotions with a safe friend * Make a list of what God is to you * Take a break from toxic faith-communities * Explore new faith-communities that support you * Be patient with yourself * Express anger, rage, and fear in healthy ways * Use your body to express your trauma * Meditate * Use pre-written prayers * Write out your prayers BTR.ORG Supports All Victims, No Matter What Their Beliefs The BTR.ORG community is made up of women all over the world. Some are religious, some are not. We understand that trauma and abuse "pull the rug" from under your feet. Your partner's choices have created chaos. You deserve peace. These realities are difficult to process alone. Consider attending a BTR.ORG Group Session. Restoring faith after betrayal is a difficult journey. But it is possible. BTR.ORG can help you. Remember, you are not alone. Full Transcript: Lisa Taylor is here with us today. Lisa is a pastoral sexual addiction specialist and a post-grad counseling stu...