Episode 35 - Features of Appropriate Math Tasks

The Build Math Minds Podcast - A podcast by Christina Tondevold


Welcome fellow Recovering Traditionalists to Episode 35.  Today we are looking at the Features of Appropriate Math Tasks. I am 35 episodes in and I cannot believe I haven’t talked about this book yet!  Making Sense: Teaching and Learning Mathematics with Understanding by Hiebert et al is one of those books that I have pink highlighter throughout the entire thing. It was so hard to pick just one passage from this book to share with you today, so I’m sure I’ll share more in future episodes.  The whole book gives us a framework for thinking about math classrooms. They highlight 5 dimensions that work together to shape your math classroom, today we are going to look at the first dimension which is The Nature of the Learning Task through this passage from page 8. Get all the info here: buildmathminds.com/35