Number Sense Kickstart Day #10 - Join The Flexibility Formula Course

The Build Math Minds Podcast - A podcast by Christina Tondevold


It's been an incredible journey over the past two weeks as we've explored nine key strategies to Kickstart your students' number sense. Now, as we reach the end of this Kickstart event, it's essential to understand that the foundations you're laying are seeds of number sense, and their growth will be gradual. These principles we've discussed serve as the blueprint for you to navigate through the upcoming school year: Do Number Routines and Contextual Problems with a focus on understanding.  Watch for your students’ thinking around the number sense concepts.  Keep a record of those understandings to help guide the number routines & contextual problems you pick.  While you are doing the number routines and contextual problems, make sure the students are doing the talking and you are listening.  Use lots of visuals and try to connect the C-R-A models as much as you can.  And then practice.  Once the understanding is there, kids do need repeated, PURPOSEFUL practice. That’s your blueprint.  Today, on Day 10, it's time to take this blueprint for building your students' number sense seriously. I've explored concepts, practical strategies, and provided resources to assist you on this path. However, there's more to discover, and if you are ready to explore these ideas further your Day 10 action item is: enroll in my online courses, The Flexibility Formula, tailored for K-2 and 3-5: