Developing an Attitude of Gratitude with Founder and President of Link Academy, Adam Donyes, Ep. 096

The Built Different Podcast with Zach Clinton - A podcast by Zach Clinton - Tuesdays

Life isn’t easy. We all know that. And to be honest with you, praise doesn’t always come out naturally when it feels like everything in your life is working against you and the wheels are coming off your bus. However, I’ve heard it said that the greatest gift you can give the Lord, others, and yourself is that of thanksgiving. Why? Because when we focus on gratitude, the tide of disappointment washes away and the tide of love rushes in. Joining us on the podcast today to share a little about his testimony and how the act of gratitude has transformed his life is Coach Adam Donyes. Adam is a man who has impacted countless lives as he serves in many different roles including: the K-Equip Director at K-2 (Kanakuk Kamps) and also directing Kanakuk’s Worldview Kamp; serving on the teaching team at Woodland Hills Family Church; Founder and President of Link Academy in Branson, MO which exists to provide students with a year of purpose for a lifetime of pursuit as their goal is to empower future leaders to impact the world for Christ; and so much more! What I love about Adam is his humility and the grateful heart that he possesses. He truly has a hunger and desire to know God and to make God’s name known! Our prayer is that after listening to today’s episode you would leave feeling more equipped and encouraged to live a life of gratitude and develop a grateful heart no matter your circumstance. Remember, even if God doesn’t do anything else, because of what He did by sending His One and Only Son to die, be buried, and rise again 3 days later for you and me, He has already done enough! Discover more Christian podcasts at and inquire about advertising opportunities at