#83 - Recording & Releasing Music in an Entirely Different Perspective

Business Side of Music - A podcast by Bob Bender


It all started in 1978 when a young composer/musician named David Chesky, who was beginning a career on Columbia Records, found himself frustrated with the lack of artistic control afforded by his position. He asked his business partner and younger brother Norman if he thought they should start their own record company. But what did these two young men who had made their way from Miami to New York at a tender age know about running a business? Frankly, not much. But what the brothers may have lacked in corporate acumen they made up for with a burning passion to create great music and great sounds, and the desire to to create new and exciting ways to capture and reproduce music. And so, Chesky Records was born. Cheeky Records looks at recording and releasing music from a completely different perspective than the typical records label. One microphone in the studio, recording all of the players in a live setting. Little or no overdubs, just music in the truest sense. David shares his history, and how they came up with the recording technique, along with upcoming "Binaural+ Series, giving a completely different way to listen to music. The Business Side of Music ™ © 2019 Beyond the Music Host: Bob Bender Produced by Bob Bender Advisor: Tom Sabella Show businesssideofmusic.com Stream or Download (free) businesssideofmusic.com To submit to be interviewed: [email protected] Sponsorship information businesssideofmusic.com/sponsor-affiliate/ Join our mailing list for show announcements, career advice, industry discounts, free gifts and more.  Like Free Special Thanks to Tom Sabella and Traci Snow for producing and hosting over 100 episodes of the original “Business Side of Music” podcast, and trusting us to carry on their legacy.