Episode 18: Victimization
The Butterfly Effect: A Mental Health Podcast - A podcast by The Butterfly Effect: A Mental Health Podcast

*Support this podcast with a small donation to help sustain future episodes! Your donation would be greatly appreciated!: CASHAPP-$butterflyeffectpdct We all have ways we handle stressful and traumatic experiences. When we have become conditioned to a certain environment and meeting up to the expectations, we find ourselves mimicking behaviors as a means of survival, but at what cost? Experiencing trauma is one thing, but dealing with the trauma of being the victim is another. In this episode, I discuss the topic of victimization, what it is, why it occurs, and how to deal with healing from being the victim or getting yourself out of the cycle of self-victimization. Don't forget to like & share this podcast with your friends and family, and if you want to stay updated, feel free to follow my Instagram: @thebutterflyeffectpodcast_, or if you want to share your personal experiences, you can email me at [email protected].