1429: Parasite Drugs, Detox Sweet Success, Histamine Reducer, Eye Supplement, Tocotrienols, MS Improvements (HouseCall)

The Cabral Concept - A podcast by Dr. Stephen Cabral


Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions: 

Simon: Hi Stephen. Thanks so much for the amazing service you provide to us all! I discovered you a couple of months ago and have been binge-listening and reading you book ever since. My wife and I have blastocystis and my wife also has dientaboeba. Whilst I am doing the parasite protocol and others, my wife is doing two courses of Paromomycin (as she has a limited amount of time and wants the most effective result). Putting aside the question of whether she is making the right decision (I would prefer she avoided antibiotics), I am hoping to add to minimise the negative effects whilst maxamizing the effectiveness of her treatment. I was wondering: a) whether the a biofilm disruptor would assist with treating blasto with antibiotics, and if so should she take before or during treatment? b) would the CBO protocol approach to probiotics be appropriate after antibiotics? I.e populate with saccharomyces boulardii before/during/one month after; then acidophilus bifidus; then a broad spectrum? Note she wont do the CBO protocol as we will be trying for a baby shortly after the antibiotics. I am also feeding us a diet rich in antiparasitics (clove, cinnamon, garlic, pumpkin seeds) and have suggested she do the 7-14 day detox before treatment. I'd love your thoughts on the above and any related issues. Thanks so much and ayubowan!

Cheryl: Hi Dr. Cabral, I am on week 2 day 3 of your 21 detox. I have lost 12 pounds to date- simply amazing!!! I waited too long between meals (4 hours). 2 times I noticed a sweet taste in my teeth just before my meal. Once I eat it goes away. What is the reason for the sweet taste??? Just note my brain fog melted away, I have had a surge of energy since week one day 3. So I have been very active not excercising but cleaning and moving-I surpassed my 10k steps on the detox!!!!. I am looking forward to taking your courses and my future lab tests. Much gratitude on my journey towards wellness.Cheryl

Ryan: Hello Dr. Cabral, thanks for taking the time to answer questions! I have listened to many of your podcasts regarding histamines. To keep things short, I just wanted to know the difference between taking a supplement like Histpro and a supplement containing diamine oxidase? I realize rebalancing the gut, removing any overgrowth, etc is working more towards figuring out the root cause. But my question is for relief in the short term while you are healing. I realize the Histpro has multiple good componenets like quercetin, vitamin C, etc. Just wanted to know what would be stronger or more beneficial in short term, of course assuming you are eating a lower histamine diet and the whole lifestyle approach. Thanks, Ryan

Cara: Hi Dr. Cabral! After 23 years of wearing contacts, I'm going in for Lasik in January. It took me a long time to come to this decision, but now the technology is amazing and we have an exceptional doctor here in So Cal. Prior to the procedure, they have you take an eye supplement as well as a fish oil. I asked the amounts of DHA/EPA/Omega 3's required and the reply was that their supplement has "DHA Omega-3 at least 800mg and total Omega-3’s 2000mg." It looks like EN's fish oil surpasses that requirement with a total of 2.6g of total Omegas. Do you have an eye supplement that you would recommend with the lutein and zeaxanthin?

Cara: Hi Dr. Cabral, Did you catch Ben Greenfields interview of Dr. Tan and his research on Vitamin E? He claims that tocopherols are toxic and that tocotrienols are the form of Vitamin E that is most beneficial? It was a very interesting podcast and I'm Curious your thoughts on this. Thank you!

Maurice: Hello Dr. Cabral, I'm 29 and was diagnosed with multiple sclerosis approximately one year ago. I decided to decline conventional treatment after being inspired by my brother Kevin, who is also an IHP 1&2. Since, I've conducted quite some research and have nearly perfected my diet, consisting of very low amount of saturated fat and processed foods, a regular Omega 3 intake, and mainly plant based meals (except for one weekly cheat meal). I work out regularly, do the sauna, and get my daily D3. I listen to your podcast regularly and find your advice very beneficial! I'm currently on the 7-Day Detox and am doing the CBO protocol right after Thanksgiving. I do plan on having the labs done, BUT the way my bank account is set up...Overall I feel good, but am deathly scared to relapse again and the thought of deteriorating. Do you have any additional lifestyle/diet suggestions? Also, is Iherrmitte's Sign (the brief, intense tingling sensations shooting down my spine when I tilt my head) reversible? Lastly, I recently heard of the angioplasty aka liberation therapy for the Chronic Cerebrospinal Venous Insufficiency (CCSVI) treatment, which has been shown to provide drastic improvements to MS patients. What is your knowledge and take on it?Thank you so much for sharing your expertise and your continuous inspiration! Very respectfully, Maurice


Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

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Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

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Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

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Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

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CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

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Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

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> See All Supplements:


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Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

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Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

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Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

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Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

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Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

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Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

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Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

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Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

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Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

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(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family!)