1457: Broken Metabolism, Hypothalamic Amenorrhea, Viruses, Fever Food Protocol, C Curve in Spine, High Vitamin D Levels (HouseCall)

The Cabral Concept - A podcast by Dr. Stephen Cabral


Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions: 

Cheryl: Hi Dr. Cabral, I know I have had alot of stress. In 2015 while trying to lose weight, clean diet and exercising very hard nothing worked. ONe day while working out I crashed. I broke out in a cold sweat and had no energy. I lanaded in the emergency room. then the following 2 months I worked up "everything" and everything was normal-LOL. through my reading I found I had adrenal fatigue. I went on various supplements and changed my diet to mostly vegetables and meats and fats. No gluten, no sugar, no dairy and no processed foods. After about 3 months I started losing weight effortlessly. I had to eat about every 2 to 3 hours to keep my weightloss to no more than 2 pounds a week. I did not exercise. After I loss about 75 pounds The stress started to return and I gained 50 pounds. That was 2 years ago. Now I want to do it properly. I just did a 14 day detox lost 15 pounds. I am now walking 10 to 15k steps a day. What should I do next? thanks,

Megan: Hi Dr. C, apologies in advance for the long and personal question, but I know there are many women out there like me with similar issues regarding Hypothalamic Amenorrhea and I'm hoping your take on my situation will benefit all of us. I am 26, 130 lbs at 5ft8, and I haven't gotten my period in 1.5 years since going off the pill (which I was on for about 9 years after having only one natural period at age 13, followed by irregular periods). I was also dieting at a very young age (low carb in particular), so I know this likely wrecked havoc on my pituitary... However, I have never had a full blown ED, but I was nonetheless always very conscious of my eating and exercise habits. During the first 8 months or so of going off the pill, I was also living in a city while working 2-3 jobs so I was very stressed out but it felt like I had energy (thanks, cortisol!).I did the big 5 labs back in October 2018 which informed me all my hormones were practically 0, but my thyroid was fine though, and I was on the brink of adrenal burnout along with markers of candida, which could also explain the high cortisol. I did the CBO protocol and took DHEA along with the other baseline supplements she suggested, and while my digestion has slowly progressed, by period was still nowhere to be seen. Over the last 6 months, I have completely turned my life around, left the city and my stressful jobs, went traveling and enjoying my life, and came back to have my OBGYN run my labs in October 2019. My hormones looked MUCH better, all normal according to my doc, with Estradiol 52 pg/mL, Progesterone 0.17 ng/ml, LH 13.3 IU/L, FSH 6.7 IU/L, DHEA 4.7 ng/ml, TSH 2.29 uIU/mL, Free Test. 0.23 ng/dL and Total Test. 33 ng/dL.... All this to say, my period is still missing and I am at a loss of what to do. I am a health coach myself, thus well versed in the importance of a healthy diet, eliminating stress, and low level exercise in cases of HA. I eat an abundant plantbased diet with occasional fish, I don't do any high-impact exercise or cardio beyond walking and yoga, and I do not feel stressed. In fact, I feel pretty amazing all around-- my hair, skin, nails, digestion, sleep schedule, energy are all the best they've been in a long time, and yet my 5th vital sign is missing! The only other option I've researched is the concept of forcing-feeding yourself 2500+ cals/day at any cost, no food restrictions (junk food, pancakes, pasta...), and eliminating all forms of exercise aside from stretching for 6+ weeks to "inform your body it isn't in danger"... but I find it hard to believe that I must be unhealthy in order to gain my period back. I'm also unsure whether doing a DCD would be helpful or harmful at this point. I am very lost, and would love your insight. Thank you for ALL that you do, each and every day, many thanks! - Megan

Molly: Hello, I have listened to Dr. Cabral for some time now. We have also done some food sensitivity testing through you guys for my daughter. Today, I am inquiring about myself. I currently have a shingles outbreak (I had my first one in January of 2019 and treated it with anti-viral meds). I have had several this year since the first one, always in the same spot on my back/side. I also became infected with genital herpes through and unfortunate and unforeseen incident 3 years ago. I had listened to one of Dr. Cabrals podcast awhile back about how it could be possible to get rid of the herpes virus for good. I'm not sure if both of these viruses could be nailed with one protocol, but either way I am looking for some guidance on how to go about this. With both of these viruses active in my body, I am not well a lot of the time. I have a herpes breakout at least once a month lasting anywhere from 3-7 days and is very painful. My nutrition is very anti-inflammatory. I do take his daily nutrition support everyday. Looking forward to having hearing back and having some hope for my future. Thank you Molly

Dar: "To eat when your sick is to feed your sickness" hippocrates. I have read many places that it is actually good to fast while sick is this true based on your experiences and do you recommend this course of action?

Ellen: Hi, I'd love your thoughts on the "C" curve in the neck. My daughter (14) has zero curve. Some chiropractors want to be very aggressive about treating it with traction and pulleys and some seem to think it's just a structural variance and it's fine. My daughter is overall healthy but she does have a neurological condition called misophonia which is a real burden for her. I'd love any thoughts you have on either condition. Thanks!

Anonymous: Hi Dr. Cabral. Thanks for all you do and the great services you provide. I wanted to get your thoughts on Vitamin D level. Recently my blood work came back with a vitamin D (25-OH) level of 92 ng/ml. I know you recommend a level between 50-70, going to 80s being the highest. Although the normal range from my Lab results is 30-100, I’m afraid my level of 92 too high base on your ideal range. About a year ago I switch to taking 2 drops of your vitamin D drop, should I decrease my dose? My level used to be super low and since I don’t get much sun exposure, I supplement everyday. I know most people are deficient in vitamin D and I was surprised to see my level increased drastically from the previous year’s lab results. Am I at risk for any health issue with this elevated level? Best regards.

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

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(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

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Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

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Adrenal + Hormone Test

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Omega-3 Test

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