1486: Oligodendroglioma, Healthy Gut, Hot Bath Before Bed, Shake After Sauna, Genital Worts, Prostate Cancer, Coughing Up Phlegm, Chickpea Pasta (HouseCall)

The Cabral Concept - A podcast by Dr. Stephen Cabral


Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!   

Jamie: One of my Team has been diagnosed with a Mass Lesion in the Left Occipito-Temporal Area of my brain - a Oligodendroglioma - Grade 2. Having seen specialists in the field he has been advised that removal would be too dangerous/complex given its depth. It has now been 6 months and seems to be growing very slowly. It causing him to have daily partial seizires (black dot flickering in the eye) and the occasional Complex-partial seizure (eyes glaze over and lips smacking 30 seconds -90 seconds) and very rare General Tonic-Clonic Seizure. He is only 30 years old, generally very fit and healthy and has just had a baby boy so has a amazing time ahead of him now. Is there anything you would recommend that might help reduce the size of the tumour as i fear one day it may just grow and push on the wrong part of the brain... If you have any advice it would be greatly appreciated as an operation at the moment with modern accepted tech is too risky to consider.thank you so much for all your time and help.

Jamie: Is it ok to have the healthy gut support each morning as part of my morning routine? I love the taste and need water first thing so it is a really nice wake up drink as i make the morning smoothie… I have run the big 5 and had a good coaching call but forgot to ask. Completed the CBO protocol last year too so all is pretty good at moment as well as continuing a quarterly detox. Thank you again for all your help.

Jamie: When do you recommend taking a hot shower and when a cold shower? So many people swear by dunking themselves into a very cold bath in the morning to put a spring in their step - is this ok or is it too shocking to the system? Your thoughts on when cold vs hot showers / baths in general much appreciated. Thank you again for everything you do.

Simon: Hi again Dr Cabral! I am interested in sauna use for autophagy/general health benefits and muscle recovery after weight training and am wondering if you could provide some more detailed advice. I currently do weight training, followed by a post-workout shake right before hitting the sauna (20-25min @ 75*c). I have heard some people say that you should avoid antioxidants after a sauna or even after exercise as they reduce the 'good stressors' on the body. Can you advise:a) should I include antioxidants in my post-workout shake;b) if I should have my shake between weights and sauna or at the end of the sauna;c) Are there any other supplements II should take to enhance the effects of the sauna (Note: I also consume lots of water with electrolytes in the sauna); andd) is stretching in the sauna a good idea?I am Vata-Pita in generally good health (asside from IBS which I'm working on) looking to optimise my health and longevity. Thanks so much!

Kevin: Hi Doctor Cabral,I've been a huge fan of your show for almost 2 years now. I have purchased your book and learned a lot from it. I'm sending your this message hoping that you could guide me. My girlfriend was diagnosed 2 years ago with the human papillomavirus (HPV). She got treated for the second time by her conventional medecine doctor who removed the genital warts. She just received an email mentioning that the treatment didn't work and the virus is still present. She was told that she has to wait another 6 months to get a new test.We are considering having kids in a near future but when the question was asked to her doctor, he simply said that we it wouldn't be a good idea without providing any further explanation.Is there anything she can do to get rid of the virus?Does the HPV affect pregnancy?Am I at risk as well ?Any help/recommendation would be much appreciated.Thank you very much for your work.

Shane: Hi Dr. Cabral, I had prostate cancer 7 years ago and had radical prostatectomy to remove my prostate. A little over a year ago, my PSA numbers started to rise. I have been seeing a naturopath doctor to get my PSA and candida under control, but both have continued to get worse. I am now on your CBO protocol (first week). I don't feel like returning to my current naturopath. My question is what would you suggest I do? I have been on a lot of supplements like Apricot seeds and Essiac tea, other teas, as well as many other supplements. I am on a strictly vegetarian diet, no dairy, no eggs. I have been using your daily foundation too. My numbers were holding stable but now they are doubling. Can you help? Thank you

Dar: Feel great thanks for all you do. Take supplements as well, but over the last couple of months had been coughing up phlegm on and off without any other symptoms don't have dairy, much sugar or wheat. Gracias. Not eating anything unusual or that I'm allergic too either.

Darcy: Are wondernoodles(gluten free) or chickpea based pasta okay to eat what are your thoughts?


Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect


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Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered:


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Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

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Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

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Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

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Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

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CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

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Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

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> See All Supplements:


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Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

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Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

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Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

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Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

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Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

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Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

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Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

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Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

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Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

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