1513: Woo Woo Medicine, Enzymes & Stomach Acid, Protein for Muscle, Multiple Protocols, Not Thirsty (HouseCall)

The Cabral Concept - A podcast by Dr. Stephen Cabral


Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions: 

Aaron: My wife's friend was in a motorcycle accident and has spinal cord damage that left her paralyzed. I'm looking for any naturopathic, ayurvedic, or "woo-woo" modalities that have evidence based practice for nerve repair. Several searches on your podcasts have come up with no results (the closest being to run tests to discover cause of Huntingtons). I've seen video of Chinese practitioners eliminating a tumor while being viewed with ultrasound, and heard of similar miracles that seem to be faith based. I'm a little more "practical" but open to possibilty. Mantras? Herbs? Laser therapy? ANY info appreciated!

Desiree: Hello again, I've read that salivary amylase becomes inactive in stomach acid and also that part of the reason the pancreas releases bicarbonate into the duodenum is to create the correct pH environment for the enzymes to function. I know it takes a little while for stomach acid to actually saturate the food so the amylase can remain active in the stomach for 30 minutes or so. Are there enzymes that can function in stomach acid? When taking a digestive enzyme supplement, do these all become inactive when saturated with stomach acid? 2nd question:I've heard on a podcast that freeze dried probiotics become reactivated by absorbing the moisture around them and that if you take them with a meal that they can end up absorbing bile or stomach acid that is present for digesting food which ends up killing the bacteria. Is this accurate? If so, can you explain why the CBO is still effective even though all the probiotics are taken with a meal?

Dimitri: Hey Dr.Cabral, thank you for the constant inspiration and sharing of your knowledge with the world. I am a 21 year old college student currently IHP level 1 certified and working on level 2 along with my NASM certification. As you did in your early 20’s, I have aspirations to build my physique as big and strong as I can for the next few years. If you could give suggestions on the most optimal way to do so that would be great. I just watched your podcast with Ben Pakulski and feel like I could use a more definitive or specific answer to 1) protein intake for optimal muscle growth but also not too far. 2)training frequency. 3) how to optimize gut function when taking in higher amounts of calories and more specifically protein.Again, thank you so much Dr. Cabral

Samantha: Dear Dr Cabral, I have been listening to your podcasts for about 3 hours per day lately and driving my husband nuts lol. I have been to more doctors than you possibly could imagine, spent more money than you possibly could imagine and have had more tests run than yes, even you could possibly imagine. :) While I have yet to solve my issues I just know for a fact that these protocols are where I am going to finally heal and feel like myself again. I am 41 years old and from the outside seem to others to be a very healthy, fit and active person. What most don't realize is I'm hanging on by a teeny tiny thread. My initial diagnosis was chronic fatigue syndrome post pregnancy. I was given Prozac to help with my "post partum depression." I didn't feel depressed. I felt tired! My journey since then has been a long one since my son will be 12 this month but here's what I know. Currently I'm being treated for Thyroid Issues (tsh and conversion problems), Low Testosterone, Low Vitamin D, I also take spirolactone for hair loss and edema. I take vyvanse for adhd. It helps me to "get out of bed." I realize this is so wrong but it's my band aid and my crutch for now. All the Medicine I'm taking for each problem isn't working. I'm more anxious than ever, I have horrific foggy brain and am running off of nervous energy. I also have: Poor circulation, Low Progesterone, Gluten intolerance, H Pylori, parasites, Leaky Gut, alternating bouts of diarrhea and constipation, hemorrhoids, bloated stomach. I can go from looking like I have washboard abs to 9 months pregnant instantly, I have a sugar addiction and thus yeast candida. I cannot sleep at night and need to take Xanax to sleep otherwise I can't sleep at all. I am the type that loves to go all out, no pain no gain. I am balancing that with things like restorative yoga, breathing exercises and acupuncture. There's not a doubt in my mind that I need to order every single protocol you have. I already ordered the 21 day detox. Can you give your recommendation to people out there who need all of them? Is it best to start with the detox (7, 14, or 21?)? Then move onto which protocol? I am not concerned with the supplement cost so anything you can recommend would be greatly appreciated.Thank you so much for what you do. You truly are healing the world.Sincerely,Samantha

Rachael:Hi Dr. Cabral. This is a 2 part question. I’ve been trying to drink more water, currently I drink a cup or 2 a day. I’m very rarely thirsty, I don’t drink a lot of other drinks either but I do have a cup of soda almost everyday. The first question is how can I drink more water when I never feel thirsty? Sometimes the thought of forcing myself to drink makes me gag. The other question is, every time I increase my water, even by a cup, I get splitting migraines. This happens if I drink the soda with increased water so I don’t think it is coffee/sugar withdrawal. Why does this keep happening to me? I feel as though I will never get passed drink 1 or 2 cups of water day + a soda.

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

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Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

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Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

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Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

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CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

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Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

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> See All Supplements:


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Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

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Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

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Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

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Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

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Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

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Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

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Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

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Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

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Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

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View all Functional Medicine lab tests

(View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family!)