1527: Asherman’s Syndrome, Polyethylene Glycol Solution, Fish Body Odor, Low Growth in Child, No Diagnosis from Lab Work (HouseCall)

The Cabral Concept - A podcast by Dr. Stephen Cabral


Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions: 

Makenzie: Hello!My name is Makenzie, I have been listening to the Cabral Concept for years and have learned so much! I am not sure if I am asking this question on the right platform but I don’t have Facebook so therefore can’t be a part of that private group. I had my third baby a year and a half ago and hemorrhaged pretty badly after and had to have a d & c to retrieve a piece of my placenta that was left behind after the birth. Fast forward a year and a half and I still haven’t gotten my period back, but I have cyclic pains as if they were a period. I have tentatively been diagnosed with Ashermans ‘a Syndrome but it hasn’t been confirmed through a hysteroscopy. My doctor wants me to go on estrogen supplements for two months and then go on for a hysteroscopy, but I am wondering if there is another way. I recently started taking systemic enzymes in hopes that it would clean up the scar tissue that may have built up. I have been reading that there are some aruveydic herbs that might help. I am just wondering if anyone in your office has any experience with anything like this.Thank you!!

K: Hello Stephen,What is your opinion on children taking polyethylene glycol solution (PEG)? My child was diagnosed with a bowel obstruction and an enlarged large intestine. She has been recommended to take PEG daily for the next 6 months to help reduce the size of her colon.Since an initial intestinal cleanse, mega dosing PEG, her bowel motions are now very loose and multiple times a day. She has completed the parasite and CBO products before. She has a very high fibre diet, mostly cooked and puréed vegetables, legumes, chicken, fruit and nuts & seeds.What would your advice be for treatment and prevention of future bowel obstructions? And also what is your advise regarding her loose stools.Thanks

Leslie: I was working with Julia and she said I should ask you, Dr Cabral. I don’t methylate my Bs, according to a DNA test. I have mold toxicity and did the Equilibirum mold protocol retook the mold test, and unfortunately, my mold count went up, so I may have been around new mold or possibly just having problems getting it out of my system.It was suggested I sweat more and also take a B Complex. When I take it, my body odor smells terrible after a few days. I used Dr Google to figure this out, but only came up with a smell for some people of “fish”. My armpits don’t smell like fish..I’m talking terrible and I’m a woman. So, I stopped taking it, stopped smelling bad, and tried it again a few weeks later and voila…not showered smell is back. So I stopped taking it. Any thoughts?I take the daily foundational shake mix, omega, probiotic, green drink and don't have that smell.

Stephanie: I have a question regarding my 11 year old son. We recently found out that he has low IGF-1 and growth hormone serum. My MD is more holistic and has pulled lots of blood work to test thyroid, celiac, blood sugar, zinc copper ratio and more and all other results are normal . We have seen an endocrinologist who wants to do a growth hormone stimulation test and potentially start growth hormone injections. I don't love the idea of this, wanting to know your take. Can he increase his IGF-1 and growth hormone naturally or might injections be necessary? Could there be a "root cause" we should be looking into as to why his numbers are low? Wanted to add that I heard your podcast about increasing IGF-1 by fasting and let you know that he does fast one Sunday a month religiously already. Thanks so much!

Pam: I just received some lab results back however I don't quite understand them and I'm not sure what to do next for a correct diagnosis. I have been dealing with a lot of joint pain for approximately 6 months I spoke to a physician at Dr. On Demand due to the fact my pcp doesn't take things seriously unless you are dying I believe. My insurance covers Dr. On Demand completely so I had them order the blood work. My results show a positive speckled ana titer test , I would attach it but it doesn't appear that I can through this process. I hope you can help me!!!Thank you!!!Pam


Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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