1548: Adenomyosis, Astigmatism, Microwave Substitute, Reduce Body Hair, RBE Audio Book, Breast Implant Illness, Structured Water (HouseCall)

The Cabral Concept - A podcast by Dr. Stephen Cabral


Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions: 

Missey: Hi, I'm a 43 year old mom to 6 (5 biological). My GYN said I'm in peri menopause with symptoms of weight gain, low libido, cystic acne on my chin, moodiness/emotional, depressed, high anxiety at times, difficulty staying asleep, hair thinning. My periods are regular, every 23-25 days. They start as spotting, then get really heavy. Per ultrasound, I've been diagnosed with adenomyosis, which creates painful periods. She ran my hormone levels via bloodwork and said they are : Testosterone 22.36 ng/dL, TSH 1.66 uIU/mL, Progesterone 18.9 ng/mL. I've had cortisol and testosterone tested via salvia too and those results were: Cortisol 2.7 ng/mL, Testosterone 18 pg/mL. I've recently had two episodes of severe rashes under my arms requiring oral steroids and steroid cream. Over the past few years, I will have random rashes/hives, but recently it has gotten more frequent and severe. Maybe a separate issue, I've always dealt with constipation. My chiropractor recommended Standard Process Intestinal Cleanse and I've been taking 2 pills/night for the past decade as it's the only thing that would keep me regular. I recently started Faster Way to Fat Loss with Amanda Tress and am eating better than I ever have, but my constipation is now worse even with the Intestinal Cleanse. I exercise 4-5 days a week, stay active, only drink coffee or water, eat whole foods (mostly dairy and gluten free now), and get plenty of fiber (I log my food) and yet, I'm still dealing with constipation and bloating (I look like I'm pregnant by the evening). Could this be a hormone issue and GI issue or the same issue giving me all of these symptoms? And what would you recommend I do at this point because there seems to be SO much going on. I truly feel like I'm all over the place and doctors will just say this is normal at this phase of life and keep eating healthy and exercising. I'm really at a loss. Any help would be very appreciated.Missey

Aaron: What experience do you have with correcting vision? I have worn glasses for over 30 years and have a minor astigmatism. I've been debating on LASIK, and recently came across a few people claiming they can correct vision naturally with longer lasting success. They are using a version of Bates' method of focusing on objects just beyond clarity and using slightly off prescription glasses. It sounds too good to be true, but then so does all the successes of naturopathy. What diet, supplement, exercise, etc do you recommend for improving vision? I searched podcasts for "correcting nearsightedness," "LASIK," "healing vision," and "eyes." All I found was a house call about omega 3 before LASIK, and nothing specific to naturally improving vision. I appreciate all you do, keep up the good fight!

Shikha : Hi Dr Cabral, thank you for sharing your knowledge, I have learned a lot by listening to your podcasts. I am looking for a microwave substitute. What are your views on oven toaster and portable mini ovens such as hot logic and other. Do they have any adverse effect on health? Thanks

Ann: Is there some thing that can be done to reduce body hair for men. Particularly back hair? Is there anything that can prevent excessive hair at puberty.

Kimberly: Will the Rain Barrell Effect come out in Audio form any time soon?

Pauline: Dear Dr Cabral, I have recently learned of you and your amazing work, and have already listened to many of your podcasts. They are so encouraging and helpful.1. I wondered if you are familiar with BII (Breast Implant Illness) and what your thoughts are on this. I have had implants for 17 year and only recently began to wonder and start to research if they are perhaps contributing to my now growing listen of ailments and health issues over the last few years. What I have read and discovered is terrifying to say the least. 2. I also struggled with infertility for many years, and had 10 years fertility treatment, which included 16 IVF's, plus many other fertility treatments which required the artificial stimulation of my egg production, and suppression of my own menstrual cycle monthly through daily injections. Perhaps at least 25 cycles in total. I have subsequently been blessed with two adopted sons, but wondered if these many fertility treatments could be a contributing factor to my declining health? I also went into early menopause at about 43 years old and am on HRT. I am 55 years old, in reasonably good health and shape, and follow a healthy eating lifestyle. Over the last 14 years I have developed food sensitivities / allergies, particularly to benzoates, msg and tartrazine which I cannot consume. Debilitating headaches, recurring sinus headeaches and infections, and over the last three years severe fatigue, low energy, impaired ability to concentrate or focus, inability to get a good nights sleep. This seems to be getting worse each month. I recently had blood tests for iron, Vit b12 and my thyroid which the GP tells me are all normal. I have had many antibiotics and cortisone over the years for these 'sinus infections' and headaches which I'm sure have damaged my gut too.The GP's recommendation is that I go on an SSRI, I'm not at all convinced. I would so welcome your thoughts and guidance. Thank you for sharing your own journey and wealth of knowledge with the world, you have given me hope that I too can heal and transform.

Dustin: Hi Dr. Cabral. I want to start by saying thank you for all you do. I have been a long time listener and have learned so much. My question is about water. I have heard you say and have read a lot how squeezing lemon in water and adding natural sea salt can make the water more alkaline and gives it a charge. My question is: Is the water alkaline at that point or does the body make it alkaline as it goes through our system? Secondly, what are your thoughts about "structured water"? There are devices/home filters that you can by for your home that filter the water but mimic nature through native (natural) EMFs (minerals, angles, etc.) that supposedly restructure the water as nature does and brings it back to life. Have you looked at these much? I know natural spring water is the best way to go but the closest spring to me is over 2 hours away and my worry about getting water from a natural spring in the midwest is all the runoff of pesticides that has traveled through the soil and has contaminated all the water supply. I am wondering if structured water is the answer. I would love to hear your thoughts on these two things. Thanks again!

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Dr. Cabral Detox 

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Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

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Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

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CBD Oil 

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Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

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Organic Acids Test

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Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

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Adrenal + Hormone Test

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Food Sensitivity Test

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Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

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Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

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Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

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Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

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