1577: Vitamin K2, Can't Eat Anything, Gardasil injection, Carbon 60, Amorphous Urate Crystals, Best Essential Oils, Weak Grip (HouseCall)

The Cabral Concept - A podcast by Dr. Stephen Cabral


Thank you for joining us for our 2nd Cabral HouseCall of the weekend!

I’m looking forward to sharing with you some of our community’s questions that have come in over the past few weeks…

Let’s get started!   

Ales: Hello Dr. Cabral, I am an avid listener of your podcast and a IHP L2 practitioner from the Philippines. My question is regarding vitamin K2 in your products. It states on the label that the DNS contain about 40mcg of MK7 per serving, but on the label of the Daily Activated Multivitamin, it states only total vitamin K (62mcg of K1 and K2 combined). So what is the exact amount of K2 per serving in the Daily Multi? Why not use higher amount of K2, which seems to have tremendous health benefits without the possible interaction with blood clotting medications unlike K1? Thank you

Justin: I have recently found out that all of the "healthy" foods I've been eating are loaded with oxalates, which are very toxic to the body. This would make sense, since the healthier a try to be with my diet, the worse i feel. From my understanding high oxalates in the body can cause kidney issues, gout, fibromyalgia, fatigue, brain fog, and numerous other problems. Looking at a diet thats low in oxalates; dairy, white rice, mushrooms, certain fruits and veggies, it seems that you would be more prone to candida and yeast. And candida and yeast in-turn also cause oxalate build up in the body. This seems very self defeating and discouraging. The more i study fictional health it seems that everything you eat is bad for you. I don't know what to do anymore. Im mostly vata with a little pitta. I do have high oxalates according to the organic acids test i ran through you, along with candida/GI bacteria. Also my family has a history of gout and kidney stones, which i haven't experienced yet. However I'm having some type of Kidney issues with constant urge, low pressure, and dripping when done, waking up 2 to 4 times a night to relieve myself. Also i have lots of joint, muscle/tendon pain. Is their some type of vata/low oxalate/candia protocol i should be on? Where do i start? its depressing to think i may be limited to just 2 or 3 different foods and water for the next year or longer just to get feeling better.

Renessa: Hello Dr. Cabral, I am a big fan and long time listener of your podcast. I had a question I was hoping you could answer, either via email or on one of your podcast episodes! Its about the Gardisel injection for women. Do you know much about this? What is you opinion? I have heard that there are a lot of side effects so I am quite skeptical but feel pressured by doctors to get it. I am currently 25 years of age.Thankyou, would love to hear your thoughts. Renessa

Robert: Hi I would be interested to know your opinion of Carbon 60, is it a super antioxidant as some claim or is it best avoided? Best wishes Robert.

Emily: Hi Dr. Cabral! I appreciate all the effort you put into making functional medicine knowledge accessible to the common person. My question is regarding cloudy urine. Very often when I eat (but not all the time) my urine is cloudy after. When I am in the fasting state of the detox or just haven’t eaten for a while, my urine is no longer cloudy and is clear again. The urine was examined under a microscope and the only abnormality found was a lot of amorphous urate crystals. Do you have any advice on what the source of this could be? I’m concerned for my kidneys and don’t know how to go about this, since all doctors have said it was not a big deal. Thank you!!

Fiona: Hi Dr Cabral. What type of things should we be looking out for when sourcing a high quality essential oil? Is it important to choose "organic" essential oils? What is the impact if you don't use an organic oil e.g. would you risk inhaling pesticides? Also, lots of brands market oils as "natural and pure" however one would think all essential oils be natural and pure? Is this just marketing? Do you support ingesting essential oils that have been highlighted as safe for consumption by the supplier? Thank you. I appreciate what you do and your trusted advice!

Emmanuel: Hi Dr. Cabral. I'm an advent listener to your podcast & content. Very passionate about health & wellness. Been a personal trainer for over 14 years. Decided as of last Friday to join IHP. Elated about that decision! Reason being b/c I've had this sense of urgency to help people on a Holistic level. Personal training along didn't satisfy that urge. I'm blessed to stumble across your content through another podcast I've listened to. Being an athlete my entire life it's always been easy to workout & stay lean. But as you know your exterior of your body is a small indicator of true health. I'm having major health complications at this point in my life. Being 35 is feeling as if i'm 75 right now! Issues are, Shaking & trembling in body. Extreme weakness everywhere. Loss of muscle. Pain in joints, especially right knee. Grip is real bad in the morning. Horrible balance! Walking down the stairs is nearly impossible. Cant' squat down or run. You mentioned in your Facebook live video for the IHP group yesterday that some of my symptoms are possibly electrolyte deficiencies but I wouldn't know unless i test. I believe it to be one of the following MS, LEAKY GUT or some form of Neurological issues. Thank you for everything you have done & have a blessed day!

Thank you for tuning into this weekend’s Cabral HouseCalls and be sure to check back tomorrow for our Mindset & Motivation Monday show to get your week started off right!

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Show Notes & Resources:

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Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect


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Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular Supplements:

> “The Dr. Cabral Daily Protocol

(This is what Dr. Cabral does every day!)

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Dr. Cabral Detox 

(The fastest way to get well, lose weight, and feel great!)

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Daily Nutritional Support Shake 

(#1 “All-in-One recommendation in my practice)

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Daily Fruit & Vegetables Blend 

(22 organic fruit & vegetables “greens powder”)

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CBD Oil 

(Full-spectrum, 3rd part-tested & organically grown)

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Candida/Bacterial Overgrowth, Leaky Gut, Parasite & Speciality Supplement Packages

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> See All Supplements:


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Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests:

Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

(Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity)

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Organic Acids Test

(Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels)

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Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

(Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels)

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Adrenal + Hormone Test

(Run your adrenal & hormone levels)

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Food Sensitivity Test

(Find out your hidden food sensitivities)

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Omega-3 Test

(Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels)

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Stool Test

(Use this test to uncover any bacterial, h. Pylori, or parasite overgrowth)

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Genetic Test

(Use the #1 lab test to unlocking your DNA and what it means in terms of wellness, weight loss & anti-aging)

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Dr. Cabral’s “Big 5” Lab Tests

(This package includes the 5 labs Dr. Cabral recommends all people run in his private practice)

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