1653: B-Vitamin Side Effects, Zinc Dosage, Irregular Cycle, Burping Causes Dizziness, Teenage Weight Gain, Dynamic Neural Retraining System (HouseCall)

The Cabral Concept - A podcast by Dr. Stephen Cabral


Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions: 

Jenna: I cannot believe the crazy side effects I get from a B Complex! I experience racing & irrational thoughts, insomnia, anxiety, irritability, dizziness, and even a tingling sensation in my brain. It contains methyl B12 and methylfolate- which I thought was supposed to be easier for the body to assimilate, but there has to be something going on where my body can't handle the B vitamins. Additionally, my urine is bright yellow when taking them, but I understand this to be normal. I am deficient in B12 as shown on my OAT test, so I'd love your recommendation of what to supplement with and also why this could be occurring. Thank you!

Ambrit: After doing a HTMA test, I was advised by one of your health coaches to take zinc picolinate. I am currently doing the CBO finisher and the healthy gut support contains 15mg of zinc. Should I stop taking the picolinate in the meantime? I know that taking too much zinc can be dangerous…

Priscilla: Hello Dr. Cabral!Thank you so so much for all that you do for our health community! You have changed my life!I’ve dealt with an autoimmune disease for many many years now. I have Hashimotos. I’ve seen so many specialists for my condition trying to feel better. Since I’ve started listening to your podcasts, my heath has much improved. I’ve done your CBO protocal and many of your detoxes.I am 39 years old and my husband and I want to get pregnant. I’m in the process of seeing a fertility specialists to get my ovarian function and hormone levels tested. I think I’m premenopausal. I’ve started getting hot flashes the last year or so and my menstrual cycle has been irregular. What can I do to improve my chances of getting pregnant and help with my fertility?Truly appreciate you!

Beth: Hello. Thanks for all your amazing work, I am a newly qualified health coach and I am so thankful every day for the knowledge you share because it really helps me with my clients.My question is: I get very light-headed when gas comes up. It probably happens a couple of times a day but sometimes I have to hold on to something to steady myself. What do you think this could be caused by and why does it happen when I burp? I'm 43, above-average fitness, 140lbs really healthy diet etc. I know I have always naturally had low-blood pressure (don't know what it is currently) and v low HR (often goes down to below 40 if I'm sitting working). Are these low markers anything to worry about?

Michael: Greetings,I have a 16 year old active/athletic son that has been struggling with his weight for several years. He is a 3 sport varsity athlete, works out constantly and has difficulty shedding weight. I am guessing that he has some sort of hormone imbalance. Is this something that you could help us with? If you could let me know, I would appreciate it.Thank You,Mike

Lara: Hi, dr. Cabral & everyone :)I’m wondering what your thoughts are on The Dynamic Neural Retraining System? It is supposed to be a natural, drug-free, neuroplasticity-based program that can assist in relieving symptoms associated with Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Multiple Chemical Sensitivity, Fibromyalgia, Chronic Lyme Disease, Food Sensitivities, Anxiety, Chronic Pain, Postural Orthostatic Tachycardia Syndrome and many other conditions which are related to a chronic stress response and limbic system impairment. It supposedly directly targets brain function and a maladapted stress response, not chasing symptoms, but teaching people how to change the function and structure of their brain. They say when you rewire the limbic system, you move your body from a state of survival to a state of growth and repair where true healing can take place.I’ve been listening to your podcasts for months now and really trust your judgment and scientific approach so I hope you can shed some light on this and if it is something to look into for someone with one or more of this conditions?Thank you so much and have an amazing day, everyone.

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis

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Thyroid + Adrenal + Hormone Test 

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Adrenal + Hormone Test

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Food Sensitivity Test

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Omega-3 Test

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