1660: C-Section, Progesterone Cream, Whole Body Pain, Cleanse Timing, Gut Mood Connection (HouseCall)

The Cabral Concept - A podcast by Dr. Stephen Cabral


Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions: 

Cody: Hi Dr Cabral. Do you have any tips on recovering from a c-section? My wife is scheduled for her 3rd and we’re looking to minimize the negative effects of the antibiotics.

Sandra: Dear doctor Cabral,I’ve been a regular listener for many years and my health has clearly changed for the better because I’ve implemented so much of your incredible advice. Therefore I wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart. You are really making a huge difference out here.I wanted to ask your opinion on the following: I’m a 43 year old, healthy female and recently I did a hormone test which showed that all my hormones are on a very low side. They are in a good balance relative to eachother (no estrogen dominance), but still very low. That makes sense, because my periods are coming about once every 2 months. My naturopathic doctor mentioned using progesterone cream and natural hormone replacement, but I feel that I’m too young for that. Therefore I wanted to ask for some advice on lifestyle changes to help me get the hormones up.I eat whole food plant-based diet, work out regularly (weights and walking), do 16:8 IF, meditate. No thyroid problems (checked that), and I use B and D vitamins, zinc and omega 3’s to supplement my plant-based diet. I do have some gut issues, which I’m currently working on (parasites).Any advice would be MUCH appreciated!Thanks again for everything that you do!Sandra

Jen: I am not sure if this is the right spot to share our story. Here it goes. My 45 year old husband has been dealing with chronic pain in the feet. It began 12 years ago and has slowly progressed into more widespread pain. We have spent thousands of dollars to find the reason to no avail. It seems like most doctors are brushing it off. He has seen a rheumatologist, pain specialist and neurologist. He has had a gamut of tests done all of which were normal. He just underwent an autonomic test which was normal. He had a CT scan of the brain which showed areas of demyelination but we were told this is normal for his age. His pain has now progressed to his hands and basically his whole body. We have no answers. He sits with three pillows under his butt. He has a neck pillow and wears gloves on his hands.We don’t know what to do.Jen

Haley: I truly appreciate your passion for educating the world through your podcast - thank YOU!! I recently found you and have been loving your podcast. As a new customer, I completed a 14-day detox and have started the CBO protocol. After I complete the CBO protocol, is it important to do an intestinal cleanse before starting the CBO finisher? I have regular bowel movements (extremely rare constipation) on a daily basis so please let me know your thoughts about the necessity of an intestinal cleanse after the CBO protocol and before the CBO finisher. If it's not necessary, I'd rather invest in other products, such as continuing the CBO finisher for longer than 30 days. On that topic, is 30, 60, or 90 days on the CBO finisher recommended for optimal results? Thank you for your time and honesty!!

Jess: Greetings Stephen, I am a new listener and was hoping to get your insight on my rather laundry list of symptoms. It all began about 2 years ago when I started getting frequent headaches (behind my eyes, tension, top of head, and full blown migraine) and occurrences of nausea. My TSH came back high and have since been put on levothyroxine which I think has helped the headaches. What has not died down is frequent occurrences of 1) nausea or 2) a feeling of acid in the back of my throat or stomach (not the feeling of heartburn in the chest). I may feel fine for a week or two and then all of a sudden get these nauseous feelings or the feeling of acid in my throat/belly multiple times a day for days to weeks. These symptoms seem to occur randomly but are sometimes worse at night and prevent me from sleeping. At times I think its due to anxiety in that I am anxious to go somewhere for fear of these symptoms happening. However, frequently these symptoms occur when nothing stressful going on. I have cut out major sources of gluten and that has seemed to help some, but overall these symptoms have persisted. I am wondering if you think this could be really bad anxiety or could be instances of IBS, h pylori, sibo, parasite, or anything else. Looking forward to hearing back from you

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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