1709: Severe Eczema, Sun Salutations, Rashes on Arms, Emotional Period Symptoms, Laser Hair Removal, Hydrogen Peroxide Therapy (HouseCall)

The Cabral Concept - A podcast by Dr. Stephen Cabral


Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions: 

Sam: Hi Dr Cabral! I suffer from severe eczema and have listened to all of the episodes where you’ve mentioned it. You say that usually it’s caused by a food sensitivity but I have done an igG food sensitivity test and have eliminated all of the foods that I was sensitive to and even though I saw a minor improvement, I continue to get rashes all over my body. Is it ONLY caused by food sensitivities or could it also be because of some sort of gut issue such as candida overgrowth? Thank you so much.

Aaron: I have heard you talk about doing sun salutations. Internet searches show variations of the sun salutation, and I was wondering if you have links, recommendations, or your own books or videos demonstrating proper technique for this movement. Your podcast on sun salutations has a graphic, but without a description of how to form the different poses, when to breath, etc., I am a little confused.If your source also has a good book or video for how to practice kundalini yoga I would greatly appreciate that too!You've mentioned you listen to binaural beats and I would really like to know more. Internet searches for binaural beats produce random new age psychadelic videos and sounds, but these don't specify what frequencies you are hearing, which ear you are hearing them in, or why those beats were chosen. Where do you get your binaural beats, why did you choose them, and what frequencies do you recommend for different stages of healing?Sorry for the long questions. I appreciate your efforts and all you and your team do.

Nick:Hi guys , we are leading a plant based primarily and feel as though we are adhering to a healthy lifestyle. my wife Is experiencing bad eczema on her arms . She has not experienced this befor in her life even when she was lead a far un healthy lifestyle and diet.Really hoping for some advice and tying to work out what is the root cause of this , so that we can adjust something to make it better for her..

Susannah:Hi doctor Cabral,I have a quick question: about a week before my period I start feeling a bit more 'emotional' and 'down'. My mood and energy are very low, and it seems like doing anything becomes just a bit more difficult. I know that this is more or less normal and has to do with hormone levels dropping fast. I try getting more movement and sunlight in this period, but are there any natural remedies or supplements that you can recommend to take during this week, in order to make these simptoms less severe?Thanks so much in advance for your answer!

Kristy: Hello Stephen, I just want to thank you for your podcast and sharing your wealth of knowledge with us all! Im not sure if this question has been asked before (I did try and search) but is Laser hair removal safe? Thank you so much :)

Darcy: I have a severe flare up of eczema on occasion probably due to stress as my diet is pretty good most of the time. The only person I know who gets it worse is a cousin who had to be on prednisone a few times due to how bad the breakouts were. My question is he has used one or two drops of 3% food grade hydrogen peroxide in a glass of distilled water first thing in the morning on an empty stomach for 3 or 4 days and it has cleared his breakout up. Is this safe? Have you heard of this for? What are the pros and cons? I googled it and saw things like stroke and seizures come up from oxygen bubbles being created in the blood I think? I am assuming that would be a large amount of pure HP. It works for him so I wanted to try it.


Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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