1716: Isometric Exercises, Refrigerator Water Filter, Referrals, Tonsil Stones, Detox Prep, Periods & Eczema/Rosacea Connection (HouseCall)

The Cabral Concept - A podcast by Dr. Stephen Cabral


Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions: 

Patrick: Hey Dr. Cabral huge fan love your podcast and all the work that your doing. I Go to the gym about 3 days a week and hit the weights for about 30 minutes . I never heard you mention anything about isometric exercises can you go over some of the pros and cons. I’m just looking to switch up doing the same thing all the time and maybe get more toned and increase strength. Thanks again for all you do.

Cynthia: Hello! I've been hearing quite a bit about water filtration. I have a water filter built into my refrigerator, and was wondering if you have a recommendation for the type of filter I should purchase, or if the standard filter is sufficient in providing clean drinking water?

Liz: I am currently in the midst of my 2nd round of the 7 day detox and love it (maybe not the first 2 days....) I am a graduate of IIN, trainer and currently work for Beautycounter which I'm sure you are familiar with - our high standard for clean living which goes hand in hand with yours. With that said, I am wondering if you have a referral program for the detox program. I recently have referred 12 people for the 7 day detox so I have to ask as I know many other companies that do have this. I love the products (I've also tried Fatlossity and love listening to Dr. Cabral's podcasts.). Please let me know if this is something you offer.Thanks. - Liz

Melanie: Hi, Dr. Cabral. Thank you for helping me and my family transform how we feed and take care of our bodies. I subscribe to numerous wonderful supplements on EquilibriumNutrition.com.Can you please help me with the rarely discussed and horrible "Tonsil Stones?" I know you don't have your tonsils so you probably do not have any experience with these. I however, still have mine and struggle to stay on top of expressing these from the back of my mouth. Is there anything that can help control their formation?

Serena: Hello doctor Cabral,I'm about to have my first colonic ever and I really want to make the best out of it - I want to flush away as much yeast/bacteria/parasites/toxins as possible. Do you have any tips on foods and supplements to use prior to the procedure, in order to get this waste moving and maximise the detox?Also, is there anything else that advise would advise on doing prior and after colonics as far as the diet/exercise/lifestyle is concerned?Thanks in advance for your help and answers!Serena

Anna: Hi Dr Cabral! Have you ever seen a correlation between periods and eczema/rosacea? I've noticed that I get the worse flare-ups at the exact time every month. Is this even possible?

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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