1723: Roll on Neck, Blood Sugar & Insulin, Sink Water Filter, Magnesium Causes Poor Sleep, Pumfu, Estrogen & Nausea, IQAir (HouseCall)

The Cabral Concept - A podcast by Dr. Stephen Cabral


Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions: 

Cynthia: Hi Dr Cabral, have been a long time listener, and have been sharing as many podcasts with loved ones as possible, really appreciate your work.My 24 year old son has a roll on the back on his head, which is on his scalp that has been there since junior high. It did seem to start when he started to gain weight. He is currently about 80-100lbs overweight. He is starting the 21 day detox and open to working on his health and well-being. Although I don’t think it’s a medical issue, it has been causing insecurity, and taking a toll on his confidence. Also, with having a large amount of weight to lose, could he have a slow metabolism? Should he be concerned about hormones, and what would be causing this extra roll of skin? Other than the detox, what steps should he prepare for?

Dawn: Hi Dr Cabral!Thank you so much for all of your information. I’m a huge fan of yours! I have a question about a Blood sugar and a A1C. I recently did the Mood, Stress, and Metabolism lab and it revealed that I have high cortisol throughout the day. My estrogen and progesterone are also low(although I am only 32 years old). I have a blood glucose monitor at home, which I often check throughout the day. It shows that my fasted blood level is generally high (between 90-100), even though I eat a very healthy diet with no processed carbs or sugar. I started getting frustrated with these results because I know that there is not much else I can do as far as cleaning up my diet since it is already very clean, unprocessed(and low starchy carb). I came to the conclusion that my blood sugar is high because of my cortisol. However, the lab test results also showed that my hemoglobin A1C was only 4.2, and my insulin was 3.6, which are both within range. I’m confused as to why my blood sugar constantly tests so high (even when fasted), but my hemoglobin and insulin tested normal on my lab. Should I still be concerned about what the blood glucose monitor is telling me? Thank you so much for you insight, and sending lots of love and support from New York City!

Jessi: What is the best at home water filter to install under your sink? or for the entire home? I know clean water is so important and I don't think our fridge filter is cutting it.What is the best home sauna? a pre-fab model similar that could be hooked up to a regular outlet?Thank you for ALL you do and the truth you share. We need more people like you.

Joey: Hello Dr.Cabral, I have a question about magnesium supplementation. I have never had any signs of magnesium deficiency (cramps, high BP, high sugar, headaches) and my daily magnesium intake according to Cronometer is about 600mg.Yet, hearing the positive effects of magnesium left & right, I tried to supplement daily with about 200mg on top of my dietary intake. I’ve tried Mg citrate, Mg glycinate as well as your full spectrum Mg. Every time, regardless of magnesium form, after several days, I’ve always developed sleeping troubles (waking in the middle of the night, not being able to go back to deep sleep). After discontinuing the Mg supplement, my sleep would always return to normal. How come magnesium supplements (only 200mg daily) has the opposite effect on me regarding sleep, than what is suppose to have? Did you experience that with any of your patients?

Adrianne: Hi Dr Cabral! I trust your judgement. Please tell us what you think of Pumfu. It's like tofu but the only ingredients are pumpkin seeds and water. It's obviously processed but I'm loving the ingredients list. Any thougts?

Sharon: Hi , My daughter Anna is following a 12week protocol from Erica for estrogen imbalance and cortisol imbalance due to the test results she had. Anna thinks the Estrogen Balance supplements are causing nausea. She has been taking them for 3 weeks now. Is this normal? Should she just continue with the supplements and see if it stops?Thanks so much,Sharon

Judy: Hi Dr. Cabral,I was curious if you are still pleased with your IQAir filter and if you would continue to recommend getting one. I am in the market for a new one to clean the air and also curious how well the IQAir does with smelly odors such as streamed broccoli :)

Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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