1730: Dermatitis, B-Vitamins & Anxiety, Polymyalgia Rhuematica, Bioresonance Scans, Yeast Overgrowth (HouseCall)

The Cabral Concept - A podcast by Dr. Stephen Cabral


Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows!

This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track!

Check out today's questions: 

Michael: Hello Dr. Cabral, why does my dermatitis get worse when I eat dairy, gluten or grains? If I do consume those foods I also get dandruff, joint pain, muscle aches, anxiety and brain fog? What should I do to resolve this? Thank you.

Michael: Hello Dr. Cabral, what would be the cause of b vitamins causing me to get shortness of breath and anxiety?

Luke: Hi, Dr. Cabral!I'm writing on behalf of my mom. She's 65 years old, 115 lbs, 5'1. She was diagnosed with Polymyalgia Rhumatica (PMR) about 9 years ago after a few very stressful incidents, (and a very high-stress life in general). She took Prednisone for SIX YEARS, starting on 15mg and eventually tapering down to 2mg. Then she transitioned to low-dose Naltrexone for 2 years, and is now off medication entirely. The severe body pain went away, but her blood pressure is now extremely high, sometimes 180/60. We've been measuring it over the course of several months with little change. She also suffers from a lot of bone loss. We did the 21 day detox, but it's honestly very hard to get her take in enough nutrition. No junk food, but very little nutrition in her diet and almost no exercise. I'd really love to get her blood pressure down and then help her apply the parts of the DESTRESS protocol that she's ready for, but as you know, it's very hard to get family to listen to you when it comes to their health...ESPECIALLY with exercise! What would you recommend?

Michael: Hello Dr Cabral, I was taking a probiotic supplement of 100 billion bfu. Within days I started To feel itchy skin, dry eyes, constipation nausea, anxiety and many more symptoms. It’s been a week since I stopped taking the supplement and I’m still symptomatic do you know what would be the cause ?

Melissa: Hello,I wondering what your thoughts were on energetic testing as a tool for finding root causes? Certainly functional testing reveals a lot, but I've seen several people uncover dis-ease with things like applied kinesiology aka muscle testing, bioresonance scans, Zyto scans, frequency testing etc, that even functional lab work has missed. Can you explain how those work and if they are at odds with functional testing or complementary to it? Thank you!

Ron: Hi I am a 59-year-old male I have been chronically ill for 30 years.I have been everywhere tried just about everything. Recently had a swack of tests done by integrated Medicine Dr and I have been diagnosed with leaky gut, Leaky Brain, and Autoimmune issues.I have also been unsuccessful in trying to follow doctor's instructions for the last 8 months mostly on a mold protocol. I recently was trying to purchase Mega spore probiotics and was told By an integrated pharmacist that she would need to see me first . She did not give me the probiotics but wanted to work on some stuff first. On my recent visit when I told her I had to take crazy amounts of Biotin to survive my liver would even ache she replied I think you have a fungal infection. So we are not just talking yeast in the intestinal tract we are talking yeast switching to fungus and penetrating the intestinal wall and spreading through the whole Body. I have heard Dr Cabral talk about fixing the Gut I would be interested in hearing if he knows how to fix this or if he knows someone who could help me. Please get back to me ASAP as I am desperate. If you are looking for a challenge it has arrived.


Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!

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