1772: White Hair Patches, Amino Acid Testing, Wake Up Too Early, Gluten DNA Testing, Pseudo Seed Cycling, Low Hemoglobin (HouseCall)

The Cabral Concept - A podcast by Dr. Stephen Cabral


Welcome back to our weekend Cabral HouseCall shows! This is where we answer our community's wellness, weight loss, and anti-aging questions to help people get back on track! Check out today's questions:  Matt: G’day Dr Cabral,You provided some fantastic insight into my question from episode 1731 regarding Psoriasis. However I wondered if you had further insight into the white spots that I also mentioned in my question that don’t appear to be psoriasis. These white patches have developed in places where I have had scars and even a birth mark. The hair on these patches have turned white. These patches are mainly on my shin area and the back of my calves. What do you think this skin condition could be? Is it something I need to treat from the inside or topically? and do you think I will gain the pigment back in my skin with the right treatment?Thanks so much for your ongoing support, effort and advice.Cheers Matt Freddy: Dear Dr. Cabral,First of all, thank you for all the help you provide for the Equilife community. There are countless people that have benefited profoundly from the work you do, myself included.I am interested to hear your opinion on the usefulness of amino acid blood testing. Through common functional medicine testing we learn about our body's vitamins, minerals, hormones, neurotransmitters, and fatty acid profiles, however it doesn't seem like a common practice to test for amino acid levels. Have you used amino acid testing in your practice? If so, for which types of clients? Also, is testing one's amino acid levels a good baseline test most people would benefit from doing? Your thoughts and insights are much appreciated.All the best,Freddy Cindy: How do I change my wake up time? Or should I even try?My body naturally wants to go to sleep between 8 - 9 PM (at least during this season), but I usually stay moving until 9 so that I won't fall asleep too early. My alarm is set for 4:40 AM but I never make it until then. This morning I woke up at 2. I feel rested but annoyed! Based upon my Oura ring, I only get deep sleep in the first part of the night. I have noticed that if I get close to 90 minutes of deep, I won't be able to fall back asleep (even if I use my Apollo, sleep cycle). My REM is usually good (around 90 min. or a bit more), deep often low (around 60 minutes), but lately I am RED, not good, on the amount of sleep because my body won't stay asleep. Again, I feel rested when I wake up, but later in the evening, I cannot sit down to watch TV because I will fall asleep. Should I just be happy that I sleep well for the first 5 or 6 hours? If I stay up later, it doesn't change the time my body wants to wake up, well, it may push it back a little, but it is still too early.I have ran your Big 5 (cortisol normal curve). I have been testing my Blood sugar, and yes, every morning it is elevated (106 to 143, usually between 106-110).Any suggestions? Cindy: My 1st Food sensitivity test had most grains as a problem area, especially wheat, gliadin, and wheat gluten. After CBO protocol and a couple years of healthy eating, I still feel gluten is a big caution area for me. However, on my 2nd food sensitivity test, all grains are in the green, except those mentioned above, but they are only in the low range. My Smart DNA test revealed that I would not digest gluten well; this won't change since it is DNA, right? I do feel that when I eat gluten (with my "choice" meal, now and then or with sour dough bread on occasion), my digestion slows way down. I will need to focus on elimination for a couple of days, or it won't happen. I'm a bit confused on why this IgG test shows gluten as not a big problem. Are these 2 test, Smart DNA and IgG food sensitivity test reporting on different items related to Gluten?Thank you for all you do. I love the changes you are making! Carly: I practice seed cycling for hormone balance (1 Tablespoon of each: Flaxseed & Pumpkin during the First Part of my cycle and then switch to Sesame & Sunflower for the Second Set, or rest of my cycle). It has been very helpful!However, I don't like Flaxseed (grinding, etc) and Sesame seeds are a little higher (2nd green color) on the IgG Food Sensitivity Test.Question: If I only eat 1 seed from each category (Pumpkin and then Sunflower), do you think it would still have the balancing effect on my hormones?I appreciate all of your shared wisdom.Isn't it beautiful how your "Mess became your Message!” Joanna: Hi Dr CabralWhat may be the cause of ongoing low blood pressure? Mine sits around 100/60 sometimes systolic in the 90s? Do you have any suggestions of how to increase blood pressure and causes?Also I have had low heamagloin for a few years now around 114, I have had microscopic blood in urine and stool both have been investigated with specialists, iron was also ok, and have checked b12 folate all normal. However my next step would be looking into red blood cell morphology/cytology. Could you please share some brief insight this, and direct me to any relevant podcasts you have done on this before? Or share any other thoughts about low heamagloin?I am an IHP so am working on gut and hormonal healingI do get a bit dizzy only on occasions, fatigue is ok most of the time, usually I feel quite energised. Periods are not heavyThankyou so much Thank you for tuning into today's Cabral HouseCall and be sure to check back tomorrow where we answer more of our community’s questions!  - - - Show Notes & Resources: http://StephenCabral.com/1772 - - - Get Your Question Answered: http://StephenCabral.com/askcabral   - - - Dr. Cabral's New Book, The Rain Barrel Effect https://amzn.to/2H0W7Ge - - - Join the Community & Get Your Questions Answered: http://CabralSupportGroup.com - - -  Dr. Cabral’s Most Popular At-Home Lab Tests: > Complete Minerals & Metals Test (Test for mineral imbalances & heavy metal toxicity) - - - > Complete Candida, Metabolic & Vitamins Test (Test for 75 biomarkers including yeast & bacterial gut overgrowth, as well as vitamin levels) - - - > Complete Stress, Mood & Metabolism Test (Discover your complete thyroid, adrenal, hormone, vitamin D & insulin levels) - - - > Complete Stress, Sleep & Hormones Test (Run your adrenal & hormone levels) - - - > Complete Food Sensitivity Test (Find out your hidden food sensitivities) - - - > Complete Omega-3 & Inflammation Test (Discover your levels of inflammation related to your omega-6 to omega-3 levels) - - - > View all Functional Medicine lab tests (View all Functional Medicine lab tests you can do right at home for you and your family!)