S3 Ep7 IN THE BLEAK MIDWINTER: Pausing, honouring, remembering
The Calm Christmas Podcast with Beth Kempton - A podcast by Calm Christmas by Beth Kempton

This week's episode is dedicated to those we love and miss, to encourage us all – me included – to take all the time we need to feel all the things we are going to feel in the days ahead. I hope you find this episode to be a comfort. Of course I am not going to tell you how to be or what to do as you face Christmas without a loved one, or face it carrying any other sense of grief. What I am going to do is share some ideas for pausing, honouring and remembering our loved ones, along with some gentle advice from people who work with bereaved families, and some beautiful poems and readings which I hope will offer us some comfort.In March this year my lovely mum was diagnosed with terminal cancer out of the blue, and died in a hospice three weeks later. I was by her side for nearly all of that time. It was devastating in its brevity and impact, but it was also just about enough time for us to leave nothing unsaid. We talked about Christmas, and she gave me some ideas for this season of the podcast, particularly for this episode. When I think about that now, I am floored by her bravery and selflessness, and the way that in having those conversations, she has managed to give us a Christmas gift this year too. I hope this episode will give you an opportunity to pause, honour and remember those you love and miss, and find some joy and light in this darkest of seasons.This episode includes: Gentle ideas for pausing, honouring and remembering those we love and missA beautiful ritual for connecting with the memory and light of a loved one (you might want to bring a candle, some matches, a notebook and a pen)How the Five Stories of Christmas can help us feel close to our loved onesPermission not to have a ‘happy Christmas’Some gorgeous poems and readingsA writing prompt to help you get your feelings down on paperA lovely craft ideaChristmas traditions from around the world (from lovely listeners!)Our nature corner, welcoming the Winter SolsticeGet ahead tips before Christmas is upon usAnd a blessing for youPLUS A self-care giveaway (enter on my Instagram @bethkempton)With inspiration from:@donnaashworthwords @optionb @andygrammer @stoswaldsuk @joannemallon Bertolt Brecht, Sarah Crossnan, Dana Gioia, @sheep1sh Neil Astley, Pamela Robertson-Pearce, Phillis Levin, @thehungryyear Kevin Young, Ashley Muller, @glass_walls_life Austie M Baird, Cherie Arnitt, @warsanshiree @williamsieghart, Robert Frost, @lydiamillen @lia_leendertz @rebeccacampbell_author @katecbowler, John O’DonohueLeave a note remembering your loved one on the self-care giveaway post on my Instagram @bethkempton here. https://instagram.com/bethkemptonYou can find all the show notes including to all featured books here.Handy links:· The Life-Changing Magic of Writing Haiku (free essay on my Substack) · St Oswald’s Hospice donation link (where Brenda works) · Escape to a cosy world of words in my Winter Writing Sanctuary (FREE) December 28-January 6 This week’s giveaway· Chance to win some lovely self-care goodies and a personalized signed copy of my book Calm Christmas and a Happy New Year over on @bethkempton on Instagram Beth Xx This is a public episode. If you would like to discuss this with other subscribers or get access to bonus episodes, visit calmchristmas.substack.com