Daily Blessings: Kind People and the Kindest Thing Anyone Has Ever Done for Me
The ChipChat Podcast - A podcast by Chip Franks

Howdy, you beautiful Soul!I had an interesting email today--it was a wonderful person asking me directly to be "added to the emails." Apparently, the signup on my site at ChipFranks.com wasn't working.Well--if you have someone you'd like to add to these Blessing Reminder emails, please have them visit:www.BlessingsReminder.com and they can sign up (there may be a confirmation email they have to approve, too).It is an honor that someone would recommend these to someone else. I really appreciate it--and if you do that, I'll continue to do my best to put out something of value for you and them!And with that--let's get to the BLESSINGS for today!Kind people doing kind things. Today, I--and my school--were treated very kindly by the pastor of the church we are taking over during the school weeks. He was just so nice, and they were eager to help us.That's just one of the things that make life so wonderful.Who is someone who showed you some kindness? Can you think of what they did for you? Bring that to mind now, and just let it sit on your soul.Sprinkler systems. They make grass green pretty dang effortlessly. It's so much easier to do than it used to be, with moving around a sprinkler (if we'd even do it). Thank you.The Blazing Sun here in Texas! It's been over 100 degrees (38 degrees C) for many weeks in a row now. It's tough to be outside during the middle of the day.The good news? The blessings are that the mornings are wonderful, the evenings are pretty pleasant, and for the other nine months of the year, it's pretty great here--I'm grateful that we get 70 degrees often in January! I'm also grateful to know it's all a cycle.The sun is also the source of all life here on Earth...so I guess there's that, too .Builders who make wonderful inside spaces. Our school just went from 3,000-ish sq feet to 12,000...and I'm so grateful to everyone who built THAT--and ALL of the places that we have. People designed, paid for and built all of the places we use daily. Just for us.How wonderful is that? Thank you.Ideas being shared in books. That is so cool. We can receive information from another person who has spent their entire professional life gathering and creating this knowledge--and they can pass that on to us through the written medium. I'm reading some marketing books now, and Wayne Dyer's autobiography (again), and the Marcus Aurelius book (wow, that's a lot, I guess)...and I'm blessed by the words.I came across this quote from Dr. Dyer's book and I wanted to share it with you:“To be nobody but yourself in a worldwhich is doing its best day and night to make you likeeverybody else means to fight the hardest battlewhich any human being can fight and never stop fighting.”E.E. CummingsAnd with that thought, it's time to go!I hope this email found you feeling great and left you just a little bit better for it.Have a wonderful day.With love, ChipP.S. If you'd like to share this email encouragement with someone you love...please send them to:www.BlessingsReminder.comI appreciate it, and I hope they appreciate it, too!