#50 Harnessing the power of high ticket offers with Jane Baker

The Chrysalis Conversations - A podcast by Nikki Collinson-Phenix


In this episode I am joined by best selling author, serial entrepreneur and all round rather fabulous person Jane Baker.  Jane is known for breaking the mould when it comes to selling and and is a huge advocate of having high ticket offerings in your services.  In this episode we hear Jane's massively inspiring story from high school drop out to 8 figure business woman and learn her top tips for how you can bring high ticket sales into your health and wellness business too!  Of course a guest expert sesh wouldn't be complete without a bit of 'get to know you' fun too! Enjoy!Connect with Jane on all socials @iamjanebakerJoin Jane's free groups The Limitless Living LoungeIf you have enjoyed this episode and gained value from it, please would you consider saying thank you by buying me a cup of coffee? https://www.buymeacoffee.com/profitablecouchSupport the Show.Thank you for supporting the show! I'd love to stay connected with you over on Instagram, come and find me HERE! Also make sure you click HERE to get hold of some of my FREE STUFF to help you create and build your best life too! xxx

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