What's Killing Evangelicalism, How Do We Fight On? The Church and Culture with Jim Harden

The Citizen of New Jerusalem Podcast - A podcast by Adam Kane

We need to diagnose what's killing evangelicalism, and we need to ask how we fight on in a time of general confusion and weakness. Come listen to part 2 of Adam's sit-down interview with the CEO of CompassCare, Jim Harden. Jim is a non-denominational conservative evangelical. We range across a plethora of trails in the landscape, observing and critiquing where we are, and why. Your support of CompassCare is vital for the mission of erasing the need for abortion in Western New York. Please visit their site and donate to their cause. Hundreds of babies are being saved from abortion every year that CompassCare keeps their doors open in Rochester, and now Buffalo! Please drop a few bucks for Adam to keep this show up and running. Thank you for all your support and listenership over the years.