Ep. 704, Psmith in the City, Part 6 of 6, by P.G. Wodehouse
The Classic Tales Podcast - A podcast by B.J. Harrison
Can Psmith make things right when Mike, suffering keenly from bank fatigue, is called upon to abandon his post? P.G. Wodehouse, today on The Classic Tales Podcast. Welcome to The Classic Tales Podcast. Thank you for listening. Thank you to all of our financial supporters. We couldn’t do this without you. I know we are all going through some stuff right now, and we really appreciate you doing what you can. It really helps us out. And in case you’ve forgotten: a $5 donation gets you an $8 coupon code for any audiobook at the store. We really want to make sure you get a lot of bang for your buck. And on that note, we have 8 new products available at our website: www.classictalesaudiobooks.com. The Circular Staircase, by Mary Roberts Rinehart, The Metamorphosis, by Franz Kafka, Deathworld, by Harry Harrison, The People of the Black Circle, by Robert E. Howard, Behind a Mask, by Louisa May Alcott, The Importance of Being Earnest, by Oscar Wilde, and The Room in the Dragon Volant, by J. Sheridan Lefanu. Use your coupon codes, and get many of these for free! Looking for a unique Christmas gift? How about a Pride and Prejudice tote bag, or a Scaramouche hoodie? What about an Erudite Troglodyte mask? Check out our merch store for unique gift ideas for yourself or a literature lover in you life. Right now, they are having a sale - everything is 35% off. On the app side of things, we’re starting poetry again. App users can hear “On His Deceased Wife”, by John Milton in the special features portion for this week’s episode. And now, Psmith in the City, Part 6 of 6 by P.G. Wodehouse. Tap here to go to www.classictalesaudiobooks.com and become a financial supporter! Tap here to go to our merchandise store!