Ep. 706, Whose Body, Part 2 of 7, by Dorothy Sayers
The Classic Tales Podcast - A podcast by B.J. Harrison
The dead man in the bath could be Mr. Levy, in fact, with him missing, it should be Mr. Levy – but it ain’t Mr. Levy. Dorothy Sayers, today on The Classic Tales Podcast. Welcome to The Classic Tales Podcast. Thank you for listening. Thank you to all of our financial supporters. We couldn’t do this without you. I know many of you have had to cancel your subscriptions, and I appreciate those who come back when they can. It really helps us out, so we can keep going forward. And in case you’re wondering, this is our family business. All of the money brought in goes to us. I have no sponsors, or partners who get a cut. Just so you know where your money is going. And if you just want to shoot us a few bucks to say thanks, that’s awesome. There is now a Donate button on the website at www.classictalesaudiobooks.com, where you can do just that. Apparently, in the last month or so, Audible has begun to host podcasts through their service, and they’ve included this one. I have an older phone, so I can’t really see how it works, but I’m thrilled to be included. Feel free to review us on Audible, if you get a chance. Looking for a unique Christmas gift? We’ve added more designs to our merchandise site. Check out our merch store for unique gift ideas for yourself or a literature lover in you life. Right now, they are having a sale - everything is 35% off. App users can hear “To His Coy Mistress”, by Andrew Marvell in the special features portion for this week’s episode. And now, Whose Body, Part 2 of 7 by Dorothy Sayers. Tap here to go to www.classictalesaudiobooks.com and become a financial supporter! Tap here to go to our merchandise store!