Ep. 742, The Willows, Part 1 of 2, by Algernon Blackwood

The Classic Tales Podcast - A podcast by B.J. Harrison


A river adventure down the Danube turns dark, when an eerie presence is felt in the willows… Algernon Blackwood, today on The Classic Tales Podcast. Welcome to The Classic Tales Podcast. Thank you for listening. Thank you to all of our financial supporters. We couldn’t do this without you. We really try make your support worth your while. For a five-dollar monthly donation, you get a monthly code for $8 off any audiobook download. Give more, and you get more! It kind of cracks open the website for you, so you can easily build out your classic audiobook library, and you help to give more folks like you the chance to discover the classics in a curated and easily accessible format. Go to http://classictalesaudiobooks.com today, and become a financial supporter. You’ll be glad you did. Thank you so much. Go now to http://classictalesaudiobooks.com and become a financial supporter today.     We are pleased to announce that the audiobook of The Hollow Needle and the complete audiobook, The Confessions of Arsene Lupin are now available at the website. If you’re wanting to hear them all in one go, now you can. The Classic Tales App is a great little tool for listening to the podcast. You can easily follow the links in the show notes, and you can see the episode specific artwork that I create for every title. You can also hear the occasional special feature. This app doesn’t interact with the website, though. Just a fair warning. I’ve looked into it, and to create such an app is cost prohibitive at this point. But if you want a quick place to jump and get your classic tales fix, the Classic Tales App is a great place to go. And now for something completely different. H.P. Lovecraft, who coined the term “weird fiction”, considered “The Willows” to be the finest supernatural tale in English Literature. You can see how it would appeal to him: the masterful way that Blackwood personifies the Willows to be ominous, alive, and menacing, the human natures attributed to the river, the omniscient power of the wind, all build to create a very Lovecraftian atmosphere that begs the question of whether there is an ancient supernatural force guiding it all. And now, The Willows, part 1 of 2, by Algernon Blackwood. Tap here to go to www.classictalesaudiobooks.com and become a financial supporter!   Tap here to go to our merchandise store!   Tap here to visit our YouTube Channel:   Tap here to pick up some of our new titles: