Getting Started with Interactive Notebooks

The Classroom Commute - A podcast by Rachael Parlett


SO, YOU WANT TO TRY INTERACTIVE NOTEBOOKS, EH?Of course you do!  They’re super cool and students love them.But, they aren’t just something you can start without putting a little thought into it.In fact, launching into using interactive notebooks with your students without thinking through the process from start to finish could leave you in puddles of glue and up to your elbows in paper scraps.  And no one has time for that!So, come along with me in this episode.  I’ll be sure to help set you up for success so that interactive notebooks can provide meaningful and authentic learning experiences for your students.LINKS & RESOURCES MENTIONED IN THE EPISODE:POST: Setting Up Classroom Routines and ProceduresRESOURCE on TpT: Interactive Notebook Grab my FREE Interactive Notebook Rubric