Bulletin 4 – mental health for young people in hospital, new clinical research facilities in Nottingham, blood, urine and saliva, and research staff awards
The Clinical Research Podcast - A podcast by Research & Innovation

Spend an evening with blood, urine, saliva and Nottingham researchers, looking to the future of research at NUH, helping children and young people with mental crises, and how to show a researcher you love them. Links: BioResource event booking - https://www.eventbrite.com/e/574447577167 NUH medical director Keith Girling on why the Nottingham BioResource is good for patients – https://youtu.be/AC49MnM_CtY Previous podcast with Natasha Hill, Nottingham bioresource manager - https://youtu.be/bQJ0S4l7uF8 SaPHE study explained - https://youtu.be/ldtPG21slEo Book tickets to the SaPHE study even - https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/the-saphe-study-disseminationcelebration-event-tickets-549208496397 SaPHE study website - sites.google.com/nihr.ac.uk/saphepathway/home NIHR Nottingham Clinical Research Facility – www.nottinghamcrf.nihr.ac.uk NUH medical director Keith Girling on talks about the CRF video - https://youtu.be/DWre8K7z4NQ UK CRF conference Registration - https://meetinnottingham.bzon.uk/ukcrf23-registration/ Staff awards - https://www.nuh.nhs.uk/research-excellence-awards-2023 Download a transcript of this episode. This Podcast is brought to you by the Research & Innovation team at Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. Follow us on @ResearchNUH and @NottmBRC, or email R&[email protected]. If you haven't already, please subscribe to the podcast where-ever you get your podcasts, and like/review us on Apple Podcasts especially. It's For Science.