The Cloudcast #219 - DevOps Enterprise Summit 2015
The Cloudcast - A podcast by Massive Studios
Brian talks with Sam Fell (@samueldfell; Director of Product Marketing @ElectricCloud) about the DevOps Enterprise Summit, how Enterprise customers are different that startups, understanding the people/process side of DevOps and how Electric Cloud is making it easier to help Enterprise companies become more agile in deploying software.
Show Links:
- DevOps Enterprise Summit 2015
- DOES2015 Day 1 Recap
- DOES2015 Day 2 Recap
- Electric Cloud Homepage
- Electric Cloud ElectricFlow
Topic 1 - Tell us about your background and a little bit about Electric Cloud.
Topic 2 - We’re here at DevOps Enterprise Summit in San Francisco. It’s been a great week in terms of learning and real customer stories of transformation. What have been your biggest takeaways or insight from some of the talks?
Topic 3 - I’ve been doing some side research on the people and process part of companies transformation to DevOps and building/using Cloud Native applications. Certain patterns are beginning to emerge for me, but I’m curious on what you see from your customers.
Topic 4 - Electric Cloud announced ElectricFlow this week, a framework for automated deployments. Talk a little bit about the product and how it fits into the stories we heard about this week?
Topic 5 - We heard all week that DevOps is not about technology, but rather it’s about people and culture. But we know that technology plays a role. Are there things within the Electric Cloud platform that helps with those people elements, essentially shortcuts that can help make the people pieces be more successful?