The Cloudcast #247 - How Do I Talk To An API?

The Cloudcast - A podcast by Massive Studios


Aaron and Brian talk to Kendrick “Kenny” Coleman (@kendrickcoleman; Developer Advocate @EMCcode) about the basics of interacting with APIs. They also discuss how the millennial generation is changing the media industry and if/how The Cloudcast should change.

Show Links:

Topic 1 - What are you up to these days?

Topic 2 - We need help. Everything is an API these days and we don’t speak API. What are the basics we need to understand and the tools we need?

Topic 3 - Any good API tips and tricks for beginners?

Topic 4 - You were recently at a conference that discussed how the millennial generation is changing the media industry. What is changing, what do we need to know and how do we need to change the podcast?