The Cloudcast #285 - Automation, DevOps & Reddit

The Cloudcast - A podcast by Massive Studios


Aaron and Brian talk with Jason Edelman (@jedelman8, Founder @networktocode), and Matt Oswalt (@mierdin, Software Engineer @stackstorm) about the state of automation in the industry, how people are evolving their skills, if any of this DevOps is real, and what’s it’s like to be Internet Famous for a day.

Show Links:

Show Notes:
  • Topic 1 - Welcome back to the show Jason and welcome to the show Matt. Tell about what you’re working on these days.
  • Topic 2 - What are the big trends (around automation) or popular practices that you’re seeing in the market these days?
  • Topic 3 - Both of you guys are essentially “self taught” software/automation engineers. But there’s a bunch demand for people to learn these skills and tools. How are you seeing people learn how to make automation helpful to their jobs?
  • Topic 4 - Matt, you’ve been at both mid-sized companies and web-scale companies and open source companies. Is there anything applicable between those two types of worlds that people can take for their jobs?
  • Topic 5 - You’re both focused on networking. How much of automation needs to be on software elements (e.g. SDN, etc.) and how much has evolved from existing systems?
  • Topic 6 - OK, let’s talk about this Reddit thing. First off, tell people what Tech Field Day is, and then give us the timeline about learning about this Reddit thread.