The Cloudcast #296 - KubeCon, DockerCon, Azure Functions and Bears, Oh My!
The Cloudcast - A podcast by Massive Studios

Aaron and Brian review KubeCon 2017 (Berlin), DockerCon 2017 (Austin) and Aaron’s trip to Seattle to learn more about Azure Functions. They also read a bunch of sponsor ads for sponsors they don't have. Use offer code CLOUDCAST to get awesome discounts and free stuff (or not).
Show Links:
- Get a free eBook from O'Reilly media or use promo code PC20CLOUD for a discount - 40% off Print Books and 50% off eBooks and videos
- CloudNativeCon + KubeCon Videos
- Microsoft Azure Functions
- Triggers and Bindings for Azure Functions
- Azure Logic Apps
- Docker to Moby Changes | LinuxKit | containerd
- theCUBE at DockerCon (videos)
Show Notes:
Topic 1 - Let’s talk about CloudNativeCon + KubeCon
- About 1200-1500 attendees
- Lots of Kubernetes projects (60+)
- Microsoft bought Deis
- IBM now supports Kubernetes
- New focus on making the UI/UX better
- Languages they use
- Event Driven and Trigger Based Code
- Terminology is very developer friendly, specifically Enterprise Developer friendly
- Use cases were very real world, customer references were presented well
- I could see the use case and the problem it solves (compared to others it seems abstract at times)
- Bindings were a differentiator
- I was surprised by the number of external bindings. Of course there were all the MSFT internal ones, but you had JIRA, github, Trello, Asana, etc. It was impressive to see the binding ecosystem App Insights - ability to debug/trace/monitor
- Logic Apps is like a visual pipeline to build step functions into a workflow
- Came in not knowing really anything and came away with a very clear picture of how they plan to be successful and I give them good odds for sure. Hell, they're Microsoft...
- Docker to Moby (what does that mean??)
- LinuxKit - DIY Linux, UniKernel, Windows
- Enterprise Apps, Oracle, Microsoft
- Differences between various implementations
- Users vs. Vendors vs. Consultants
- Are they all cloud-specific or will we see a cloud-agnostic serverless emerge
- Understand the Serverless Framework
- Better understand use-cases and application patterns