CMS | From King to Boone to Cheese: Unveiling Metal's Surprising Influences!

The CMS Network - A podcast by The CMS Network


⁣Explore THE CLASSIC METAL SHOW as Neeley and Chris dissect Kerry King's latest track, "Idle Hands." The duo introduces the band "Slower," transforming Slayer classics into a doom metal/desert rock fusion. The conversation takes a nostalgic turn with reflections on Pat Boone's IN A METAL MOOD album and humorous renditions by Richard Cheese. Uncover the diverse musical landscape in this episode, filled with unexpected twists and iconic metal tributes. #ClassicMetalShow #KerryKing #IdleHands #SlowerBand #DoomMetal #DesertRock #MetalMood #PatBoone #RichardCheese #MusicTributes #NostalgicMetal #MusicalExploration ⁣**NOTE: Everything said here, and on every episode of all of our shows are 100% the opinions of the hosts. Nothing is stated as fact. Do your own research to see if their opinions are true or not.** PLEASE SUBSCRIBE AND SHARE! Live Saturdays from 9pm to 3am Eastern at or on Rumble, Wowza TV, Twitter or CMStv. All our links are available at