LLL | Johnny Westall (Turn Up Tours - Las Vegas)

🤘 The CMS Network 🤘Uncensored. Unhinged. No safe spaces. Just CMS. - A podcast by The CMS Network


ON THIS EPISODE OF LIVE AND LOUD WITH THE LORD, NELSON THAT IS!  Lord chops it up with Johnny Westall, owner of Turnt Up Tours Las Vegas.  Johnny talks about the great packages that they offer for an all inclusive party in Vegas.  Turnt Up Tours L.V. has been the top rated Touring company for the last 9 Years and is ready and prepared to make sure we have the best time possible.  We believe Lord Nelson is ready to book a trip now.  Johnny has taken the guess work out of, what should I do in Vegas and is ready to make sure you are entertained.   This is once again another great conversation that should be watched and or listened too, subscribed and commented on.  Liked, loved, shared and saved.  As always Lord Nelson and the CMS Network appreciates your valuable time given and will continue to do their best to entertain, inform and some times educate you.  Respect Maximum To You All.  Love Love.  Thanks A Billion.