LLL | The Seth Williams Show Host Seth Williams
The CMS Network - A podcast by The CMS Network
ON THIS EPISODE OF LIVE AND LOUD WITH THE LORD, NELSON THAT IS! Lord Nelson speaks with his CMS NETWORK Brother Seth Williams of The Seth Williams Show. Seth is very opinionated and Seth and Lord touch on politics and other subjects where Seth draws Lord into a conversation he usually stays away from. The conversation is very entertaining and will capture your attention and definitely excite your sense of wrong and right. Lord also asks Seth to speak of a traumatic event in his life that will touch you emotionally and that you really will want to hear and just may inspire you. From his radio days to his now amazing podcast, you will be entertained. This is another great watch and listen you will enjoy. As always Lord Nelson and the CMS Network With 5 Royals Ent. appreciates your valuable time given and will continue to do their best to entertain, inform and some times educate you. Respect Maximum To You Always. Love Love. Thanks A Trillion. Enjoy. Cheers. HIT THE LINK BELOW FOR ALL THINGS SETH WILLIAMS CMStv | Video Channel - The CMS Network The Seth Williams Show - The CMS Network https://www.facebook.com/seth.williams.5201